Any black actor makes white people jokes, and the moment Kramer tells a few black people jokes he gets anally raped by america. Good job, society.
Just cuz your friend has no self-respect doesn't mean other people want to hear racial slurs and shit like that. (I personally am not even black and I don't want to hear/read that) Sure once an a while it's meant to be comical and that's ok I'll overlook it, I have a sense of humour, but to just say n**** all the time when referring to a black person, that's just bullshit. Why does it even matter what the skin color is.... unless it's important to what you have to say, just leave the race out of it.
It's not really a matter of political correctness... because I don't care it you say policeman, or etc, but this is a matter of using a bullshit word.there's a difference.
Any black actor makes white people jokes, and the moment Kramer tells a few black people jokes he gets anally raped by america. Good job, society.
Self-respect? It has nothing to do with that, getting offended by profanity is something you get taught to do, because infact, if you don't know the meaning of the word, there's nothing offending about words.
I still stand by my statement, are you're not really the kind of person who should try to be the "bigger man".
Jokes are fine, but he got pissed at some hecklers and started being a racist, which is a let down cuz I'd expect some good burns from Kramer, racial shit is just lame and the last resort of a unintelligent person.
The fork up the ass thing doesn't count, that was a funny joke, the rest was pointless racism.
You've much to learn young one :Smug:![]()
I've much to say, but you've much much more to learn before you will understand it.
I know my rights, is not america a land of freedom ?
People who are insecure or just plain dumb get offended by such things. One of my best friends is a nigga, and he doesn't get offended by it, and he even jokes about stuff like that. It's not a big deal really, if people only had abit of self irony one could use ethnic profanities in a more humorous way.
Any black actor makes white people jokes, and the moment Kramer tells a few black people jokes he gets anally raped by america. Good job, society.
my posts got erased![]()
Any black actor makes white people jokes, and the moment Kramer tells a few black people jokes he gets anally raped by america. Good job, society.
thanks for being so sensitive (?)Yes my virtual broom swept up any unnecessary garbage laying around![]()
You'll more than likely be introduced to Mr. 5 Knuckle Sandwich.
Sure, unless you aren't paying the bills / fees to run this site. In that case, you follow the rules set forth.
If you stop and read to what you said, you will notice the 'key' to proper usage of the word "nigga" - you mentioned the word FRIEND.
The term "nigga" is used as a friendly term, among FRIENDS. If you are white, and you have an established friendship with a black person and they see it as OK to call them that, hey, by all means go for it. However, try walking down any street and walk up to a black person you don't know and say "Yo what up nigga!" and see what happens. You'll more than likely be introduced to Mr. 5 Knuckle Sandwich.
Summary: You don't use the word as a general term referring to someone black. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with being uptight, non-hip, "not getting it" etc. - it has to do with friends whether it's white/black or black/black. Even some black folk do not enjoy using the term nigga. I have many black friends and I do not use it and they have never referred to themselves using it.
Sure, unless you aren't paying the bills / fees to run this site. In that case, you follow the rules set forth.
If you stop and read to what you said, you will notice the 'key' to proper usage of the word "nigga" - you mentioned the word FRIEND.
The term "nigga" is used as a friendly term, among FRIENDS. If you are white, and you have an established friendship with a black person and they see it as OK to call them that, hey, by all means go for it. However, try walking down any street and walk up to a black person you don't know and say "Yo what up nigga!" and see what happens. You'll more than likely be introduced to Mr. 5 Knuckle Sandwich.