Deron I wanna ask u sth

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One bad apple doesn't ruin the bunch... :) I understand your situation but one incident you've had with a few assholes doesn't let you say something about a whole race. It's understandable, but not right. Just like if a woman is raped by a black man, is it ok for her to say all blacks are rapists and hate the race? No, but it's understandable, but aw well.

I'm done being Mr. Civil-Rights :lol:
I already said exceptions:mad:
You've got a lot to learn, kid. I never said I was right, or you're wrong, I just said you've got a lot to elarn about the issue, as do I. People can never stop learning. But to make your opinion or an absolute statement without enough info is ignorant. :)

Then you have to be alot more clear with what you say, you didn't really make sense. The thing is that this is a subjective matter, there are no facts too acknowledge, so it is infact a matter of personal opinion.

Just so you don't get me wrong, i'm still on the subject of thinking that there's nothing wrong with racial profanity, i don't even want to get into the whole jew/payment thing you guys seem to have going.
But to make your opinion or an absolute statement without enough info is ignorant. :)
just so you don't get me wrong, i'm still on the subject of thinking that there's nothing wrong with racial profanity

:Smug: That shows that you don't know enough on the subject to see the full picture and see that there's no good to come from what you suggest. You have every right to have that as your opinion, but it's not a very informed one.
I think i've said the same thing with different words about 3 times now, and you still don't get it, so there's no point in going further.
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