Describe Arcturus...

I love Garm's deep voice on LMI (And Themes to William Blake's Heaven and Hell) but I love Vortex's unpredictable voice nearly as much, and I thought SS was a sign of great things to come. That's why I really hate the fact that they broke up.
Yeh, Garm is amazing in Arcturus, he is probably the better vocalist for the band, but I think Simen is the better vocalist out of the two. Same goes for Borknagar, I love TAC, but I think Vintersorg is the better vocalist for the band, however Vortex is the superior singer imo.

But regarding Arcturus, I prefer the songs the way they are sang by Vortex on the SiO dvd :p
lol I freakin' love Simen's voice, I just don't find SS as a whole to be that good. Only thing that's keeping it from being pretty bad is Simen and some of the keyboard-work. I love Hellhammer aswell but holy gawd they sound awful on SS.

and if anyone's interested, new unreleased song from Meshuggah;

edit: Simen isn't singing for Meshuggah, so not sure if Det Som Engang Var would like it :Smug:
Aspera Hiems Symphonia - symphonic black metal
La Masquerade Infernale - carnival metal
The Sham Mirrors - space metal
Sideshow Symphonies - space metal that's not as good as The Sham Mirrors

tbqh it's not really flaws it's just what he/she/it dislikes. I absolutely love Garm's voice in LMI. It's just a different style to get used to, as I had to get used to fjordgrimblakkmetall-shriek in the first place, and deathrawrrrrrrrvox, etc.
tbqh it's not really flaws it's just what he/she/it dislikes. I absolutely love Garm's voice in LMI. It's just a different style to get used to, as I had to get used to fjordgrimblakkmetall-shriek in the first place, and deathrawrrrrrrrvox, etc.

Being a studio vocalist only is a flaw. I promise you without auto tuning and effects Garm would not be able to sound nearly as good with those high notes as he did on The Sham Mirrors. Why do you think he never sang live? All I've seen was that video with Ulver and well, it was just embarrassing.

:lol: One of my favourite concerts I've ever been too, being able to stand in front of Vortex the whole show and get awesome pictures, and interact with him, it was great. I have made a lot of connections since then though and when they come back I'm hoping to get a pass to meet up with him and the band before the show. I'm excited :D

EDIT: This isn't a particularly cool pciture, but he posed for me so I am using it. I have much nicer ones though.
Hehe, I know. I had to work last time they came, my job wouldn't give me the day off. I ended up quitting the month after though. Gosh if I ever see Simen...I'll...I'll...either tear up, faint, orgasm, or a combination of the three.

:lol: Naw, it's better to be a normal person you know :p I am not bragging but I have met and befriended a lot of 'famous' metal musicians and bands, I won't name names, but I get into a lot of concerts for free because of it. My best advice is be normal, and be nice. They are normal people just like everyone else, and there's a switch in their head that goes off once someone acts like a rabid fan. There's more to gain from it, maybe even go out for something to eat and hang out, get backstage, etc... it is more likely to happen than you think!