Describe Arcturus...

Lol that's some attitude.

It's attitude when I state that certain people here are totally non-decriptive?

You should consider being a bit independent for once...


Obviously since you don't know me at all, to say that your thoughts there are a ridiculous statement would be a complete fucking understatement.

no use taking advice from people on music to be honest, considering it's all taste, and as we all know, taste is subjective.


Download it and listen. Don't take our words for it.

Just out of curiosity, if I could dl something, do you think I'd be asking the question in the first place?

But if you still insist on being dependent on us to decide what you should listen to, download La Masquerade Infernal or The Sham Mirrors. Sham Mirrors is probably the most accessible though (Like that's a good thing :erk: )

Look at you working on being descriptive. Words are a beautiful thing. I am so proud of you!!
hell, just download some of Arcturus' music and decide for yourself what they're like instead of presenting a pseudo challenge to the participants of the Borknagar forum. That's the nifty thing about the age we live in -- the availability of deriving one's own opinion versus that of the cool kids' is readily at the fingertips of he or she who would rather know his or her own instead of the opinions of the so-called in-the-know group.

It appears not that you're interested in Arcturus, or, ultimately, the opinions of the members of this forum, but that you are, instead, occupied with trolling.
I love LMI, but I still say the way the songs are sung on the dvd by Vortex are far superior imo.

I can't say the same thing. If it's true the Garm vocals on LMI are a little weird, I love it and precisely that is one of the main reasons of the unique sound of that album. As someone said before, the garm performance on Alone is superb, the same with Painting My Horror.

Simen did a great job on the DVD, but not flawless. Ad Absurdum was perfect, but Nightmare Heaven wasn't, specially the highest vocals - Simen was saved by the 'delay' bell - . About Raudt Og Svart, actually I missed Garm when I heard Simen singin the song - He made a great job, but Garm was amazing on it, specially at the final clean vocals.

It supposed Garm played live with Arcturus when ASH was released, to promote the album, back at '95. I don't know if there're some footage of it but I could kill for to have it.
I can't say the same thing. If it's true the Garm vocals on LMI are a little weird, I love it and precisely that is one of the main reasons of the unique sound of that album. As someone said before, the garm performance on Alone is superb, the same with Painting My Horror.

I just think, that for a LIVE perfomance, Vortex's singing IS amazing. I mean if he had done it in studio it would have been flawless, as Garm's vocals were according to you. It's not the weird vocals that make me say Vortex is better, because I like them. It's not fact either, just my opinion. I've always preferred Vortex to Garm, even though Garm is amazing (Look no further than The Sham Mirrors)... I just happen to enjoy the way Simen does them (I've always felt Vortex's voice live is much better than his studio work, even if it isn't perfect, he does a lot more with his voice live, the little improvisations are my favourite).

Simen did a great job on the DVD, but not flawless. Ad Absurdum was perfect, but Nightmare Heaven wasn't, specially the highest vocals - Simen was saved by the 'delay' bell - . About Raudt Og Svart, actually I missed Garm when I heard Simen singin the song - He made a great job, but Garm was amazing on it, specially at the final clean vocals.

Well it IS live, so you shouldn't expect 100% perfect, even though I think he did a phenomenal job. First of all, he is singing ANOTHER vocalist's songs, and doing them VERY well. Ad Absurdum is amazing imo, much better than the studio version Garm did on TSM. Nightmare Heaven was just as good to me. I think he did great on all the songs Garm originally sang, my opinion of them being better aside. You know, like I mentioned, it is a LIVE performance, so the singing won't be perfect, and then recording isn't flawless either but I don't know, I guess in a way we can't compare the two... but I think if we had two live performances to compare it would be a much different story.

It supposed Garm played live with Arcturus when ASH was released, to promote the album, back at '95. I don't know if there're some footage of it but I could kill for to have it.

Yeh me too... but this Ulver video above me kind of makes me think twice.
Yeah, it is back from 93 but it's horrible grim vocals still prove my point Garm relies heavily on his studio magic "as does Simen with Dimmu" while Simens vocals on SS were pretty much raw. And again, Garm is one of my favorite singers, but if you ask me his whole "I don't perform live, music should be personal", is a load of bull. Even assuming he could sing well live, you can bet your ass he would have just stood there on the Arcturus dvd, because shady characters like him rarely have any stage presence.
Well it IS live, so you shouldn't expect 100% perfect, even though I think he did a phenomenal job. First of all, he is singing ANOTHER vocalist's songs, and doing them VERY well. Ad Absurdum is amazing imo, much better than the studio version Garm did on TSM. Nightmare Heaven was just as good to me.

Did you know some stuff on the DVD was re-recorded? Vocal wise. You could download the whole show on a site a few days after the gig (had to pay for it) but you heared the REAL live version. And let me tell you, Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer was BAD! Glad he re-recorded it for the DVD. The last verse (that's when I fiinddd .... I shop some new parts, etc) was totally re-recorded as he sang 'Disband all current settings' AGAIN. That's why he says something about 'I forgot to take my last phrase' or something.

Unfortunately I don't have that video anymore... I feel really bad I didn't atleast record the audio!!

I hope I got it on a backup disc somewhere.. Although I doubt I could play it, it was protected with some DRM shit... (password or so)..
Not sure, but I just remember Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer the most as I was really dissapointed (though it was kinda funny).

Some other stuff was edited/recorded too, like guitar in Reflections (he played the wrong notes at the start).

Listen to Shipwrecked on the DVD and put the sound VERY loud during the last phrase, you can hear the other stuff he's singing (which actually sounds cool, like a second layer of vocals lol).

I could shoot myself for not ripping the video when I still had it...
Did you know some stuff on the DVD was re-recorded? Vocal wise. You could download the whole show on a site a few days after the gig (had to pay for it) but you heared the REAL live version. And let me tell you, Shipwrecked Frontier Pioneer was BAD! Glad he re-recorded it for the DVD. The last verse (that's when I fiinddd .... I shop some new parts, etc) was totally re-recorded as he sang 'Disband all current settings' AGAIN. That's why he says something about 'I forgot to take my last phrase' or something.

Unfortunately I don't have that video anymore... I feel really bad I didn't atleast record the audio!!

I hope I got it on a backup disc somewhere.. Although I doubt I could play it, it was protected with some DRM shit... (password or so)..

Well yeh, it's pretty obvious SOME things are re-recorded, a lot artists who do a live DVD/CD do that, sometimes it's for the best. I wasn't saying he is flawless, I just have seen him live with Borgir and he was really good.
:lol: I was gonna say that but Devourer was the one who uploaded that 1999 gig so :lol: I think he knows already :p

About Arcturus, I don't say Simen sucks (I love him too :p) but just mentioning for those who don't know, that the REAL live version was alot different. It was cool in a way, and like I said I hate myself for not ripping it.. It's not available anymore. I also searched all my backup CDs but it's gone...