
Oh yeah, those imperfections. All and all I liked it. The sound quality isn't bad. Those are mostly engineering mistakes...

Maybe this was already posted, for the ones who don't know:

Tore said on an interview something about that on

[Void] There’s a rumour going that something went wrong with the mastering of Sideshow Symphony that Season Of Mist got the wrong version and made their own version which is fucked up.

[Tore] Nothing went wrong. I did the mastering myself, and it sounds great, but the day after that, Season Of Mist told the studio that they wanted an un-mastered version of the album, which they got. And they did their own mastering and fucked it up.

[Hugh] No, no, no. It was a data transfer error that led to the differences in things.

[Tore] No, I did the fade out on "Daemon Painter" myself…

[Hugh] And it’s not there? There’s a lot of talking going around [laughs]. Anyway; things have been fucked up.

[Lolk] Maybe it’s not official?

[Tore] This is official. Season Of Mist fucked up [laughs].

[Hugh] I know for a fact that we are getting on with a remixing and remastering of the album. We feel that it would be worth it.

[Void] An entirely new version or just a remaster?

[Tore] It’s going to be a least a remastered version.

[Hugh] Yeah.

[Tore] I hate it when our artistic freedom is violated by a record company because they have different opinions.

If this is true, I want the final cut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man, it'd be awesome to get a remastered one... I really hope Arcturus reunites some day. :waah:
@ Allfader: ¡Gracias por poner la entrevista, no la había leído! (Thanks for putting the interview, I hadn't read it!).

That's very interesting, I didn't know that, hopefully one day the remastered version will be released :rock: .

Cuando lei la entrevista a Vortex donde quería lanzar una versión remasterizada, recordé esto...

También espero que se lleve a cabo esa remasterización - en realidad el lanzamiento de la mezcla final del disco - , después de todo remasterizaron Aspera Hiems Symfonia, por qué no podrían hacer lo mismo con SS??

I hope on 2 or 3 years Steinar calls the guys to record something new... that's pretty possible IMO.
Another question... anyone have a translation of Hufsa from Sideshow Symphonies? I'm afraid I am not fluent in Norwegian.
Hufsa is The Groke from the tv show called Moomin.

I got a french translation of the lyrics:

J´avance avec des râles et des cris
Partout ou je vais j´emporte le froid
Je veille éternellement le jour comme la nuit
Rivières froides et stériles
Vers la lumière je me dirige
Tous les hommes ferment leur porte
Seul pour toujours
A la recherche de quelqu´un avec lequel errer
Je suis l´hiver éternel
Tu es effraye quand je suis proche
Cherchant la chaleur eternelle
( * )
Mon tourment est plus grand que des mots

Which could translate into something like:

I move with shouts and screams
Wherever I go I bring cold
I "stay" eternally both day and night
Cold sterile rivers
Towards the light I'm going
Every men close their door
Alone forever
Looking for someone to stay with
I am the eternal winter
You are scared when I'm close
Looking for eternal warmth
(missing lyrics)
My torment is greater than words

That's my poor translation of a poor translation.
I have the video for that show :p Thanx! the pics are great. I found the Arcturus wallpapers made by Season of Mist, but I was looking for the older ones that had.

Btw, I found tons of Borknagar pics and some wallpapers too, maybe I'll do something on Fireworks.
I have the video for that show :p Thanx! the pics are great. I found the Arcturus wallpapers made by Season of Mist, but I was looking for the older ones that had.

Btw, I found tons of Borknagar pics and some wallpapers too, maybe I'll do something on Fireworks.

No problem.

Where did you find those wallpapers at?