Lots of Progpower vs. Powerfest comparisons in this thread, and I think people fail to realize that they are two completely separate festivals. It's natural to compare them, since Glenn has built the premier American metal festival, but he also built it around a pre-existing online community/fanbase. I think that leads to why people say there is a "festival" feel to it - they all get together with their little online buddies stemming from the old-school Perpetual Motion forum for several days.

Aside from this forum and a handful of Chicago-area scene regulars, Powefest doesn't have that type of automatic fanbase, and that seems to be forgotten or ignored.

Personally, despite my love for many of the bands that ProgPower features, I have yet to go and probably never will, since I have better things to do with my money than travel to Atlanta. I did attend Powerfest last year for Iced Earth and Testament, and am eternally grateful to have the chance to see IE's first show with Barlow back at the helm in our area, and Testament the night after.

I'm actually glad that Powerfest's focus is on different bands featured at ProgPower, since they'd just be compared to Glenn's fest even further. It's nice to have two separate festivals in the US that feature different styles of bands. I think it sets Powerfest apart, unlike some of the other fests that have popped up (BARF.....est :lol:) that just take the Perpetual Motion fanbase and try to get them to travel across the country. Plus, they picked a horrible acronym!
Lots of Progpower vs. Powerfest comparisons in this thread, and I think people fail to realize that they are two completely separate festivals. It's natural to compare them, since Glenn has built the premier American metal festival, but he also built it around a pre-existing online community/fanbase. I think that leads to why people say there is a "festival" feel to it - they all get together with their little online buddies stemming from the old-school Perpetual Motion forum for several days.

Powerfest started the same way. In fact, I think more than half of the attendees at the first one were PM board members. It's not that the fests have different origins -- in fact, the first ProgPower was held at the same venue as the first Powerfest, with a similar format, the same core audience, and took place, roughly, on the one-year anniversary of Powerfest 2000. The two festivals are different because they've *grown* in different directions (due in large part, I think, to Chris and Rob's evolving tastes in music), and their similar origins are the reason the comparisons are made. I think more and more people are starting to see that.

I also think we can have this discussion without badmouthing other festivals or promoters in the process. If not, just let me know, and I'll leave. (Not directed at any specific person... but I've seen a lot of this in this thread.)
I don't plan to travel to Maryland, Minnesota, or Texas to see bands or hang with cliques either. :)

Good to know. :confused:

I don't think it is just a bunch of cliques at these festivals. Just because a certain number of people hang out on a forum doesn't make them a clique.
Christ....most of the people I see and talk to on these forums, I only see once a the fest.
And I can't justify spending all that money on travel, lodging, tickets, beer, food, etc etc, simply to "hang out with friends".
There *is* the possibility to meet some new people at these festivals. Who knows, you might even have fun.
Overall, it is a good investment IMO. You get two days worth of bands that you normally would not see playing alone. It's one-stop shopping!
Powerfest started the same way. In fact, I think more than half of the attendees at the first one were PM board members.
Good post.

And someone correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Lotesto involved with the first ProgPower? Regardless, these two festivals will always be compared, and with good reason. Both...

Began in Chicago
Have "Power" in their names
Are U.S. festivals
Last 2 days
Have one stage
Have a Thursday Pre-Party
Are in similar size venue
Seek band sponsorship
Draw from a similar well of bands (both festivals had the same headliner last year)

If comparing these two festivals isn't comparing apples to apples, then at worst, it's comparing red apples to green apples.

I don't plan to travel to Maryland, Minnesota, or Texas to see bands or hang with cliques either. :)

Wow thats funny because I am traveling to Texas, Atlanta, Chicago, and probably moving to Minnesota to live with the clique there. And I am not from the perpetual motion board particularly not the original PM boards, but the people at these festivals are some the best people I have ever met in my life and I wouldnt miss any of these fests for the world.