DFH2test Update

Paul Steen

Jan 17, 2006
The Netherlands
Okay since it was kinda hard to judge the drums without other instruments I added some guiding guitars so you get the idea. Don't mind the guitars however I wasn't able to process them anymore, my pc keeps crashing all the time.
Anyway I would like to know how the drums fit in this mix. I did not change the drums since the other post, I just added the guitars to see what happens.
What should I change or improve?

Thanks for the input. I will work on the snare and fool around with it.
One thing I know for sure: I need a new pc!!!! My current set up just can't handle those plugins, pc keeps crashing like hell!
Well I've got a good reason to save money for a new DAW. I have a Pod XT Pro coming my way! Pfew, all the amazing sounds I heard overhere (coming from the XT) convinced me. Next to that I'm also considering buying DFHS.
I'll be broke before summer.....:erk:
what exactly are the specs of ur CPU? im running an analog mixer into acid pro on a 1.5ghz with like 256 ram and its doing justice! i would like to upgrade too though, but thats just a financial issue right now.
xmidihcx said:
what exactly are the specs of ur CPU? im running an analog mixer into acid pro on a 1.5ghz with like 256 ram and its doing justice! i would like to upgrade too though, but thats just a financial issue right now.

Wow! I thought my Pc was bad (2.4 ghz with 256 mb rdram) it blows, but im still able to do full production with it by exporting the drums when their mixed so i can have some cpu to mix the guitars and shit, takes a lot longer. This spring I'm switching back to macs, the new Macbook with the dual core intel processors, I cant wait!

xmidihcx said:
what exactly are the specs of ur CPU? im running an analog mixer into acid pro on a 1.5ghz with like 256 ram and its doing justice! i would like to upgrade too though, but thats just a financial issue right now.

Well I have a pentium 4, 2.40 Ghz and 1 gig of ram. One hardrive of 80 gigs.
I don't know the exact specs of my motherboard.
When I run Cubase SX with DFH2 and some other VSTI's I'm having a hard time already. Let alone when I add some audiotracks and use plugins. It just doesn't work. When I play the project it stumbles over the events and when I look at the vst performance, cpu usage is over 70%.
I also use this pc for internetting and all that stuff. What I prefer is a pc totally dedicated to audio, with two harddrives etc. However, just like you at this moment I lack the money, hey but I'm saving!!:grin: