Did a plane crash into the Pentagon on 9/11?

Dark One said:
It breaks down like this - all conservatives (and conservative-related allies) are dumb & evil and non-conservatives are smart & not evil.

If everyone would just realize that and never put another conservative of any kind in office anywhere, all the complaining & ranting & raving in the world would simply go away.

As much as I agree with the sentiment of your post (second half anyway), there are just too many assholes out there for such a thing to ever be possible...remember that the whole vast right wing clusterfuck was born out of people looking for any excuse to smear Clinton. And by conservative allies that includes Hillary, who just whored herself to Rupert Murdoch...

Never hallucinated from lack of sleep, but sometimes when I get lethargic I can feel my brain taking temporary leave...
hahah ... there is another pic from the same session where I am downright giddy ...

communism ... hmm ... yeah, must have been a severe lack of chocolate
Dark One said:
If everyone would just realize that and never put another conservative of any kind in office anywhere, all the complaining & ranting & raving in the world would simply go away.
True conservatives don't consider Bush a conservative.

How about if we just never put another Bush in the White House?

General Zod said:
They didn't release this video to prove their story. They released it because it was requested under the "Freedom of Information Act".

I think conspiracy theorists give the U.S. government way too much credit. They can't even keep the things they do in secret a secret. And now, you have them coordinating the destruction of the twin towers, half of lower Manhattan, the Pentagon, shooting down planes over PA, and redirecting a commercial airliner over the Atlantic so that F15s could blow it to pieces? Not to mention, they decided, planned, coordinated and pulled all of this off in 9 months? And you call us foolish for believing the government's story?:goggly:

As Richard Clarke said this weekend, the two mistakes conspiracy theorists always make, is thinking the government can follow through on a plan and keep a secret. Do I believe our government is evil enough to do something like this? Probably. Do I believe they're capable? No.


hehe ... saw this very argument on the Bill Mahr show on HBO last night ...