Did you buy the album?

I did the same and got mine late thanks to the strikes. It was well worth the wait though.
It definitely was! It's just not that of a pleasant feeling when you see people talking about it all over the internet and get asked if "you heard it already?!" and all you can do is keep checking your mailbox day after day... *laughs*
But I'm just glad we got it in the end...!
I brought it on Itunes aswell as the normal CD version(because I don't like ashen on the album)
I brought it on Itunes aswell as the normal CD version(because I don't like ashen on the album)

Wow... :OMG: care to explain why? Not only is that one of my favorite songs on the album, but I am someone who likes as many songs as will fit to be included on an album. If 17 songs were recorded during an album's sessions, then I want all 17 songs included on the final cd. I cannot stand it when songs are cut off of an album and turned into accursed "b-sides". Unfortunately, most do not share my views but that's just how I am. I couldn't imagine owning this album without "Ashen".

Even though I bought the retail version of THE GREAT COLD DISTANCE, I can't listen to it anymore because it's missing "Dissolving Bonds", "Displaced", "Code Against The Code" and "Unfurl" (yes I know "Unfurl wasn't recorded for the album but it still fits very nicely with the rest of the songs....besides variety on an album is not a bad thing...I don't want all the songs to be "a common theme"). So I had to make my own CD-R of that album with all 16 of those songs on it. But yea, I dread the day when Katatonia announces that there were more songs recorded for NIGHT IS THE NEW DAY that were cut. I'll have to do the same thing and make a new CD-R with all of the NITND songs included and then my retail version will just collect dust.
Wow... :OMG: care to explain why? Not only is that one of my favorite songs on the album, but I am someone who likes as many songs as will fit to be included on an album. If 17 songs were recorded during an album's sessions, then I want all 17 songs included on the final cd. I cannot stand it when songs are cut off of an album and turned into accursed "b-sides". Unfortunately, most do not share my views but that's just how I am. I couldn't imagine owning this album without "Ashen".

Even though I bought the retail version of THE GREAT COLD DISTANCE, I can't listen to it anymore because it's missing "Dissolving Bonds", "Displaced", "Code Against The Code" and "Unfurl" (yes I know "Unfurl wasn't recorded for the album but it still fits very nicely with the rest of the songs....besides variety on an album is not a bad thing...I don't want all the songs to be "a common theme"). So I had to make my own CD-R of that album with all 16 of those songs on it. But yea, I dread the day when Katatonia announces that there were more songs recorded for NIGHT IS THE NEW DAY that were cut. I'll have to do the same thing and make a new CD-R with all of the NITND songs included and then my retail version will just collect dust.

My problem is not that the track is bad, I really Like it. I just think that it dosn't fit. Which is most likly the reason why it wasn't added.
It's topics like these that make me wish it was still like the late 80s to mid 90s when you couldn't just go download stuff for free. People like me who wanted to hear new music had to do actual research, read magazines, listen to underground radio stations, listen to sampler CDs, and go to CD stores to find new interesting bands. It wasn't all just a free click away.

The best "free" music some cheapsake could get were free sampler CDs or cassette tape dubs from friends who owned the CD. Now we have all these losers downloading music without spending a dime on it and acting like they're real music fans. :mad:

yeah, boy did those days suck.