
starbucks is where people come in thinking that their order is the most precious most important thing in the world. yes douche ass fucks sit in here on their lapshits all day. Also particularly in southern california Hispanics come IN great numbers ordering only frapaccino's..and are very annoying "CARMELLA FRUP_U_SINO" but they just want one.. they want 7 of the biggest.

its ok though. one time i walked into jack in the box and some dude had just ordered 40 fucking jumbo jacks.... fuckkk that!

i fucking hate frapaccino's .

Hahaha, funny stuff man.
I'm taking 13 credit hours this summer.... So from June til September I have school Mon-Fri from 10am-10pm, with about an hour in between classes... So I had to settle with a job that would only hire for weekends.

So now I'm going to be an asshole bartender :-)
Well, basically I'm just sick of kids that somehow ALWAYS have money, but never work, and they play it off like they are "really" trying hard in school so they can't "burden" themselves with a job cause they need to study.
It's a fucking scam.

Eh whatever. :Puke:

AND THEN! When these kids DO get jobs, they quit after a month or so because they "don't like it." Like what the fuck???
NO ONE FUCKING likes it!

Yeah, I can understand why it pisses you off, but it's different here. We're fortunate enough to get monthly support for studying, and working while studying is actually discouraged with rather strict income limits. So place yourself in our shoes, if you could just go to school or go to school and work at the same time, getting just a bit more money in total, which would you do? :)

I'm moving back to my parents' house for the summer, since I have a construction site job over there and couldn't find a job around here. It sucks to move away for the summer and hang out at my parents' place, but on the other hand I'm glad to get together with the old work crew again and sweat my ass off at work after having a somewhat easy year so far.
Yeah, I can understand why it pisses you off, but it's different here. We're fortunate enough to get monthly support for studying, and working while studying is actually discouraged with rather strict income limits. So place yourself in our shoes, if you could just go to school or go to school and work at the same time, getting just a bit more money in total, which would you do? :)

Yeah, you are allowed to earn max 505 euros per month. But still, being a student means you make less money than being unemployed
Haha, well at least your able to maintain some sort of a sense of humor about it, even if it is dry and bleak kind! :lol:
Yeah, I can understand why it pisses you off, but it's different here. We're fortunate enough to get monthly support for studying, and working while studying is actually discouraged with rather strict income limits. So place yourself in our shoes, if you could just go to school or go to school and work at the same time, getting just a bit more money in total, which would you do? :)

I can't even comprehend this. For me it was High school to job with no 'vacation' and sure as fuck no gov't assistance.

I love the part about them discouraging you from working while going to university. I went to college couple years ago and the HNIC told the whole campus that he discouraged working at all 'because your focus should be only what you're studying'. You know how many times the Gas, Electric, Water, Mortgage and 10 other people I pay a monthly bill to said 'Oh, okay, well since you're studying we'll let you slide till you graduate'?


I don't know about y'all but in my neck of the woods it's work, pay your bills and if you can squeeze in some college, great for you. Whitey is always holdin a brotha down.

Whoa, I gotta get to my Black Panthers meeting...
well no summer job for me, i just finished college so im trying to find a job full time. i've tried pubs, betting offices, shops, computer stores, music finally thinking of going to mcdonalds but i really dont want to. its my last resort