Did you know...

DYK there is a formula to know if You should apologize:

D[Rp(Ra+P)+D(Ra-Rp)] = A

D, size of the issue
Ra, your actual responsibility
Rp, your actual perceived responsibility
P, how pissed off he/she is
A, should you apologize
I didnt mean "measurable" as in "give it a number between -10 and +10", I meant measurable in a scientific way. You cant measure responsibility, or being pissed off.
Taliesin said:
And you're obviously in a mood to be retarded, again. Or maybe it's not a mood

Now you are a know-it-all to him, LaRocque doesnt like explanations, although he loves asking questions, which he believes are thought provoking. A definition of a know-it-all to me, but who cares.

LaRocque said:
DYK name calling is bullying and it's a sign of low self-esteem in the name caller

Exactly. DYK you are very good at describing your own self (without having a clue about it, of course)?
^ Who cares? Nobody.
Why would I ask question if I don't want an answer(explanation)?
I learned this in first year college composition
all writing must have a patten, a purpose, a function, an order and be thought provoking,
all I can do is try.

I'm going to try some name calling here as its the flavor of the day
marek and konrad are just a couple of Eurotrash butt brothers ... j/k
not going to work because "It gives me a migraine headache thinking down to your level"

I've had enough of you two, life is too short for all your crap, so call me what you like, be negative, put me down
I will not reply to anything you 2 have to say, but if I do it will be positive and I hope its thought provoking but that's for the reader to decide.

Back on topic
DYK the official language of Heaven is Aramaic
Did you know, that at the end of August, Mars will appear as large as the moon in the sky?
Impudent's link said:
Comments: Mostly true -- in 2003, that is, when this message was first composed and launched into circulation online. It was not true when the identical text circulated again in 2005, nor when it reappeared in 2006. The event has come and gone.

On August 27, 2003, the orbital paths of Earth and Mars brought them to within 34.65 million miles of one another -- closer than at any other time in the past 50,000 years. Though Mars never actually appeared "as large as the full moon to the naked eye," the red planet did vividly dominate the night sky for a time, making 2003's "close encounter" a spectacular, "once in a lifetime" event indeed for astronomers, space enthusiasts, and ordinary observers alike.

That alone proves the rumour to be, at least, exaggerated. But then again, we still lack any proof from authority on this matter.
I guess they meant "as bright as the moon", which is easily possible, but Mars could never be as large as the moon in the sky. Mars' diameter is twice the diameter of the moon, but Mars is 78 million kilometers away while the moon is only 385.000 km away, so in order to appear as large as the moon, Mars would have to be about 800.000km away, which is 10.000 times closer than it is now.
Well there are certain tricks of light that can distort stellar bodies into appearing much larger than they actually are. The one I remember best is that the moon can occasionally (depending on its placement in the sky, time of year, etc.) appear two to three times it's normal size. Go, go astronomy merit badge and a childhood obsession with the stars!
