Did you know...

DYK that iron maiden took the line "i am not a number, i am a free man" from a british TV show called (surprise!) "the prisoner"? and it doesn't end here: look at the logo for the show :rolleyes:


the wiki entry on the subject reads, among other things:

The Prisoner was a 1967 UK science fiction television series, starring Patrick McGoohan. It was devised by McGoohan and George Markstein, and produced by Lew Grade's ITC Entertainment for broadcast on ITV and overseas. McGoohan also wrote and directed several episodes, often under a pseudonym. [...] The series features striking and often surreal storylines, and themes include hypnosis, hallucinogenic drug experiences, identity theft, mind control and dream manipulation. [...] The trademark opening title sequence (not seen in all episodes) begins with a visual of a cloudless blue sky and the incongruous sound of thunder. As the theme music begins, the view pans down to reveal the future Number 6 driving in his Lotus Seven to arrive at the office of a superior, before whom he mounts a fierce (but inaudible) argument, apparently ending in his resignation. The hero then drives home. Returning to his flat, he quickly packs his possessions, including photographs of a tropical white sand beach (a clue to his intended destination?). A hearse pulls up and a tall pallbearer approaches the front door. A white gas then floods the room through the keyhole, which renders Number 6 unconscious. The hero awakens in the Village, whose decor and people are of peculiar nautical style and bright colours.

The following dialogue exchange runs over the opening titles of most episodes. The questioner is Number 6 and the respondent is Number 2, the Village chairman (a role occupied by a different man or woman in almost every episode — some actors played the role multiple times — as the reference to the "new Number 2" indicates):

"Where am I?"
"In the Village."
"What do you want?"
"Whose side are you on?"
"That would be telling.... We want information. Information! INFORMATION."
"You won't get it."
"By hook or by crook, we will."
"Who are you?"
"The new Number 2." (This may vary)
"Who is Number 1?"
"You are Number 6."
"I am not a number — I am a free man!"

by the way, for those who can read italian: here's an excerpt from a website commenting on that particular song. i found it terribly hilarious, especially in the light of some very similar comment rahvin made on the song a few years ago:

"The prisioner" tenta di rivalersi in un'inquadratura più marziale ma il testo scandalosamente sciocco ("I'm not a number, I'm a free man") e l'andatura coralmente podistica danno 6 minuti di noia.


@ Claudia: DYK I have the Prisoner (all 17 episodes) on DVD

"I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered" the Prisoner

"Are you going to run?" Number Two
"Like blazes, the first chance I get" Number Six

These DVDs have rare, alternate versions of episodes, many bonus features,
I thought they were all doing LSD when this series was filmed ... its fanFUCKINGtastic -
In Germany, 1-3 letters on a car's license plates tell you in which area the car's owner lives.
So there's an area (Stade) in which the code on the license plate is STD :grin:
There's also an area (Mecklenburg-Strelitz), abreviated MST (STD in french, maladie sexuellement transmissible)
Funny, funny stuff!
That Woman have only had the Vote in sweeden for 30 years...

lie! It was introduced in 1919!

DYK that Koala means "no drink" in the language of the aborginians. They called it so becouse the Koala bear never drinks, but gets all the water it needs from the eucalyptus leaves.
DYK, that in Korea there are no 4th floor (as in the US tehre's no floor 13 - in the high-rise I work (24 floors... or wait - 22) there are no 12th and 13th floors - didn't see bttons in th eelevators). So, they either skipit or put letter F.

All for the reason, that if you right digit 4 in Korean, it also menas DEATH.

DYK, that in Korea there are no 4th floor (as in the US tehre's no floor 13 - in the high-rise I work (24 floors... or wait - 22) there are no 12th and 13th floors - didn't see bttons in th eelevators). So, they either skipit or put letter F.

All for the reason, that if you right digit 4 in Korean, it also menas DEATH.

...and you all say I don't make any sense...