Did You Know ... *

Here's some for all of you Chicago people. I'm not sure if these are bullshit or not.

  • If you're an unmarried female in Chicago you must be careful how you address any bachelors you might meet. The proper title to use is "Master," not Mister.
  • Drivers are required to contact the Chicago Police Department before entering the city in one of those dangerous, life-threatening contraptions known as an automobile.
  • A hat pin is considered a concealed weapon in Chicago. It is part of the same law that makes it illegal for people to carry switchblades.
  • In Chicago, it is a criminal offense for anyone except a police officer to use a slingshot.
  • It is illegal in Illinois for a human being to give a lighted cigar to a cat, a dog, or any other domesticated animal kept as a pet.
  • Illinois has a law that forbids citizens from giving whiskey to dogs.
  • There is a Chicago law that makes it illegal for male Chicagoans to fish in their pajamas.
  • It is illegal for Chicago residents to take their French poodles to the opera.
  • There is an Oak Park ordinance prohibiting them from crowing before six in the morning.
  • Illinoisians are forbidden by law to speak English. You wanna talk to da neighbors? Speak American.
  • Illinois cities and towns are allowed by law to force all their citizens between the ages of 21 and 50 to labor in the streets for free two days each year.
  • Chicago city law gives police the right to arrest for vagrancy anyone who does not carry a minimum of one dollar in his/her person.
  • If you ever decide to go to a dance in Chicago, make sure you don't take a nap on the dance floor, or you could get arrested.
  • Flying kites within Chicago city limits is forbidden by law.
  • It is LEGAL for anyone seventeen and under to protest naked in front of City Hall.
  • Illinois law prohibits people from dancing barefoot? It is also illegal for state residents to take a bath during the winter.
^ hehe.

Where did you dig up those old draconian laws, Mister Vito?

I think not on that first one. :p

By the way...

Did you know that the Ozark Mountain range in Missouri and Arkansas is the oldest mountain range in the entire world? This is not, and never was, the 'New' World. It was only 'new' to Europeans who are and are not Indigenous to this land.
^ hehe.

Where did you dig up those old draconian laws, Mister Vito?

I think not on that first one. :p

By the way...

Did you know that the Ozark Mountain range in Missouri and Arkansas is the oldest mountain range in the entire world? This is not, and never was, the 'New' World. It was only 'new' to Europeans who are and are not Indigenous to this land.

I just googled "weird chicago facts" and the first page that came up had those old laws. Every US city has some really really messed up old laws that just never made it out of the books.
DYK that we gotta take the power back?

To expose and close the doors on
those who try
To strangle and mangle the truth
'Cause the circle of hatred
continues unless we react
We gotta take the power back

No more lies
DYK...that left and right feet float differently?

There have been severed feet found on the banks in Vancouver, BC ... right ones found washing up on one side, and left feet washing up on another side. They are showing up with a sock and shoe on. Officials were speculating they were probably from plane crashes in the area, however, no other remains have been found. They said that because feet are designed to be exact opposites, the currents are catching them differently and delivering them to opposite sides of the banks.

*the more you know*