What Did You Learn Today??

i learnt that yelling "THIS IS SPARTA" and throwing a plastic spear at a stop sign is a great way to get an entire family to stare at you on the street

haha that's like the time I yelled "HELLO CLARICE" and bit a huge chunk of flesh out of this girls neck boy oh boy were people staring at me then.
I learned that swimming at the pool everyday can be a bane to long hair. I have to apply a shit ton of shampoo and conditioner to get the chlorine and knots out. I'm deathly afraid of it getting too tangled, because what happened to my cat could happen to me. Her fur got so matted we had no choice but to shave it all off.

Can any of you fellow longhairs recommend shampoo or conditioner that's good for "pool hair" and/or getting the knots out?
Johnson's Kids No Tangle's spray. I use this everyday and it takes about 5 seconds of your time. It's cheap plus it doesn't leave your hair oily or anything. Just wash your hair normally and spray a bit of this in afterwards.