Did you like "Porcelain Heart" video?

Did you like "Porcelain Heart" video?

  • Yes

    Votes: 90 55.9%
  • No

    Votes: 71 44.1%

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The best video from Opeth is Harvest. This new one is good rather than poor. But I dig more the song and studio footage montage thing. It suits O very very well.

The music video for "Windowpane" was pretty cool, too. Lots of studio footage.
I'm not totally against the lesbian bit, I mainly dislike the whole gothic appearence, I don't hear many gothic influences in the song. The lesbian bit was just a meh thing which doesn't fit in, imho, I don't hate lesbians or wathever.

You don't have to hate lesbians to not be turned on by them, either. Kinda like how I don't hate gays, even though gay guys do nothing for me.

It's like a popular radio morning show host around these parts said: "I watch porn so I can imagine myself in that situation. Why would I want to imagine myself in a situation where the women would be totally uninterested in me?"
I just watched it again and I don't feel that it's as bad as I previously thought

mostly because when i see everyone with their mouth's open during the epic " AHHHHH AHH AHH AHHHH " part, it wasn't because they were making the noise. It was because they were trying to get mouthfuls of Akerfeldt's Epic Sauce.

Big white gobs of it


It's probably in there contract to do video's man.

Anyways the video is great. Very cool 1800's vibe to it which is totally the feel i'm getting for this record, so far anyway. The radio edit is pretty good, it has sections of all the great parts in this song without loosing the feeling of the original.

Overall 1000x better than the TGC video. :headbang:

Well said!

It's obvious that the lyrics are metaphorical, and I think the imagery and storyline in the video follow the same vein of the indirect, metaphorical conveyance.

I'm wondering if the sexual tension and darkness of the video are offering a clue that perhaps this song is about an affair that directly/indirectly affected Mikael???

If you think about it in that context, rather than the imagery being simply random, I think the overall song and video have more impact.

I think the radio edit is pretty smooth, but I would've fought tooth and nail to include the entire falsetto/oboe section!
Nice imagery, cool setting, Mikael and the boys rocking out in a castle, gothic chicks dancing around and engaging in some foreplay and someone being choked to death by a madman... Oh yeah, there's so much to complain about here. :rolleyes:

They still make great music, so what's the harm in a little video like this to gain more exposure? After all, elitist snobs alone don't make a band successful and given the fact that they're still doing 7-10 minute non-standard structured songs with growls in them and therefore not compromising their music... what's all the bitching about? If the music is intact, they should be given a free pass to do whatever without being summarily damned by nobodies frothing at the mouth to make criticisms on their own messageboard. It's not as if they're playing the superbowl and doing a duet with Britney Spears, lol.

And yes, this is 100X better than TGC video.
i don't think the video is great but i'm not disappointed. i hate most music videos to begin with, but it could've been a lot worse. i'm just worried about the possible collateral damage to come from the gothic shit, i hope we don't get any dani filth clones sporting opeth merchandise lols
How can anyone like this, the sound edit butchers the song, and if you are going to make a video like this either focus on the band playing or the medieval story. Last but not least make a story thats connected with the lyrics. Sorry im just kindda disapointed, this seems like it was made for the lowest common denominator, and Opeth is better than that.
The vid is ok. I like the bluish grading used over the whole vid. And the dark tone fits well with the song. But I really just want to see a promo clip of them rocking out in some evil woods somewhere. Nature and the forest has always been a big part of Opeths image for me.
I feel the idea was good, but executed poorly. The director/cinematographer didn't really do a very good job with the on-screen composition, in my opinion. Plus, if they wanted to do a gothic type.. thing (yawn), then it needs to be darker. The lighting was way too high.