Dimebag is dead

Dimebag Murdered, Shooting at Damageplan Show
(antiMUSIC) A fatal shooting occurred at a Damageplan concert on Wednesday night in Columbus, Ohio. Dimebag Darrell was one of the victims.

Columbus, Ohio's NBC 4 reports that the shooting took place shortly after 10 p.m. at the Alrosa Villa where Damageplan was performing.

NBC 4's reporter on the scene, David Wayne, reports that two members of the band, including Dimebag, were shot and killed and the gunman also reportedly died on the scene. Police confirmed that Seven other people were injured, according to other reports.

A man reportedly stormed the stage and began shooting as Damageplan began their set, according to an eye witness. The gunman reportedly fired several shots at the band and was then tackled by a bouncer. The gunman was then shot and killed.

Damageplan was formed by Darrell and Vinnie Paul after Pantera brokeup and features Patrick Lachman and Bobzilla.

We will post more detail as they become available. There are conflicting unconfirmed reports about the second member that was killed.

update: NBC 4 updated their report at 12:33 EST stating that 5 people were confirmed dead and the identity of the second band member that was murders has not been released.

AP reports that "Columbus police spokesman Sgt. Brent Mull said a police officer shot and killed the gunman." A witness told AP that a man in the jersey climbed onto the stage, started yelling and shot the Dimebag five or six times at close range.

That's fucked. Not only that Dimebag and those other people are dead but that some idiot would shoot them while they were playing on stage.
Scoop of the Columbus, Ohio radio station The Blitz 99.7 FM has confirmed to BLABBERMOUTH.NET that DAMAGEPLAN drummer Vinnie Paul was uninjured in the shooting incident at a Columbus nightclub which resulted in the death of Paul's brother, Dimebag Darrell. According to Scoop, who attended the concert and briefly saw Vinnie following the incident, Paul was in a complete state of shock and expressed his desire to be with his brother right after the shooting occurred.

A friend of Scoop's, Kevin Minerd, who also attended the concert, told BLABBERMOUTH.NET that the gunman entered the stage from the left side and walked over to the right side where Dimebag was standing before grabbing the guitarist and pumping several bullets into him. Additional shots were fired, although it's presently unclear which other member of DAMAGEPLAN, if any, was killed in the incident.

"A Columbus police officer, when he arrived, engaged the shooter, and the shooter is also dead, and if the officer hadn't acted when he did and how he did, we'd probably be looking at more dead, because this guy was actively shooting," Sergeant Brent Mull, public information officer, told MTV News.

"We have 200-plus patrons that we have sequestered inside three city buses," Sergeant Mull explained. "We are interviewing them one by one. The ones that were inside and witnessed this, ran for their lives and were in fear for their lives. They are victims too, and we want to take care of them."

As news of Dimebag's bizarre and tragic demise rippled through the metal community, the news was met with shock and sadness.

"I'm speechless," friend and ROB ZOMBIE/OZZY OSBOURNE bassist Rob "Blasko" Nicholson told MTV. "This is totally unreal. Dimebag is a fucking legend and this is total bullshit."

"This is insane and this is beyond travesty," KILLSWITCH ENGAGE frontman, and former DAMAGEPLAN tour partner, Howard Jones said. "This is beyond anything I've ever heard. This shouldn't happen in or outside of the rock and metal community. He will be missed and mourned as a person, as a musician, and as a friend."