Dimebag is dead

I was never a fan of Pantera and probably never will be, but this is still lousy. It's amazing that this sort of stunt hasn't been pulled before to such effect, that I know of. This is going to have HUGE repercussions on live events and such.

I am more of a fan of Dimebag's playing and Cowboys From Hell than actual Pantera.

I bet the shooter is glad he is dead, otherwise Zakk Wylde would have probably hunted him down and killed him with his bare hands, if not being lynched by metal fans the world wide first.
Man I didn't and couldn't believe it when Koich told me this arvo, when he provedit to me I was totally shellshocked and still fucking am. He was a great man, and will be played long and hard for at least a week in these here parts R.I.P Dimebag \m/ :(
Spiff said:
I was never a fan of Pantera and probably never will be, but this is still lousy. It's amazing that this sort of stunt hasn't been pulled before to such effect, that I know of. This is going to have HUGE repercussions on live events and such.

My thoughts exactly.

Totally fucked up.
That's the most awful thing I've ever heard of in the history of music. Darrell Abbott was the one true guitar hero of the 90s and without doubt one of the greatest of his generation. If I wasn't at work right now, I'd be drinking myself stupid.
this is so fucking gay.

You don't just go and shoot someone, especially if they're awesome and on stage.

That's fucked up.

Imagine being at the concert.
They have said now that it was Dimebag and the tour manager killed, the rest of the band is ok (though ive heard some say Pat was shot in the leg, but I dont know if its true or not) and a security guard and either one fan or two were shot (the reports are conflicting) :(
One of the most fucked up things about it is he was shot on stage.

That would scare the shit out of metal musicians playing at a concert from now on.

Hell it'd scare the shit out of anyone playing a concert.
What a truely abysmal thing to happen. That is absolutley fucked up.

Pantera was one of the first metal bands I started listening to in highschool...he was awesome.

What sucks is that it's now that a lot of places in seppoland are going to up their security policy and shit...when something like this should never have been able to happen at a gig. Places have been using metal detectors and pat downs at gigs for years here and we aren't even a nation of gun toting fuckwits.

Saw it on the news this morning and had to pick my jaw up from the floor. Say what you will about Pantera (as I have on many occasions) but Dimebag was a helluva player. The only music of his I own is a cover of Ace Frehley's "Fractured Mirror" and it still blows me away eight years after I first heard it. Without The Dime the world is a slightly less rocking place :(.

The question is, how the fuck was the gun-toting moron allowed to get past security and so close to the stage?

apparently he jumped over the fence, had security running after him, ran to backstage (as if they'd say no to a guy with a gun) and on to the stage with a bang.

5 times point blank I read somewhere.

It's just fucked up.