Dimebag is dead

Projects In The Jungle and I Am The Night are my 2 fave albums didnt like much after cowboys. the pre phil days were more sleaze and less stoner i never did like singers talking about how cool drugs are on stage and thats all Phil did in 96
Some guys from this other music forum I go to who are in bands are setting up a Dimebag tribute show next year with the proceeds going to the families of those two fans who jumped up and got killed trying to save him. VERY cool thing to do.
I have Trendkill and Cowboys...

Trendkill with Suicide Note 1 + 2, and Floods is godly (I feel like I'm Koichi the 2nd here) and Cowboys with Cemetary Gates.

Cemetary Gates is my fav Pantera song... it's so well written and it was back when Phil did more than just the shouting growl thing. It's also one of the best acoustic riffs there is in the history of music.
Man, I finally heard the Power Metal album... Phil could sing like a MUTHAFUCKER on that! It's like the lost Judas Priest album from 1988! :eek: Awesome stuff! And the soloing.... makes me miss Dime even more now - incredible work..!
Yeah he used to be a great singer. His change to just the screamy/growly stuff is one of the reasons I didn't get into the last few albums as much as I did Cowboys and Vulgar.

Vulgar Display of Power is an awesome album from start to finish, so check that one out as well, Spiff. Cemetary Gates is my fav song of theirs though, and that's on Cowboy.s
Phil still sings on the Down stuff and it's still fucking good. Anyhoo this is about fucking Dime not Phil, who gives a fuck right now about Phil? My thoughts and YES prayers are with Vinnie and the rest of the Abbott family and Bobzilla and Pat Lachman as well at the others at the gig. It is a day that will go down in history forever mourned by my brother, my father and me. As well as my eldest son who even though he is 7 is old enopugh to respect who Dimebag and Pantera and Damageplan was/is. It still saddens me what happened, such a fucked way to go :(
Yeah they all are but that's the best of them heh.

Though I think I remember Marc Ferrari claiming he played that solo on the album. But to me it sounds pure Dimebag.
I was able to buy Cowboys, Vulgar Display, and Reinventing Hell with the bonus DVD all for $27 at JB on the weekend.
Southy said:
Phil still sings on the Down stuff and it's still fucking good. Anyhoo this is about fucking Dime not Phil, who gives a fuck right now about Phil? My thoughts and YES prayers are with Vinnie and the rest of the Abbott family and Bobzilla and Pat Lachman as well at the others at the gig. It is a day that will go down in history forever mourned by my brother, my father and me. As well as my eldest son who even though he is 7 is old enopugh to respect who Dimebag and Pantera and Damageplan was/is. It still saddens me what happened, such a fucked way to go :(
Amen brother.
Listening to Cowboys now - what an excellent album! Why didn't I pick this up 10 years ago? Because I was biased against newish metal bands which were popular with the youth of the day, that's why. I figured they were a precursor to nu-metal bands for some reason, same deal with Fear Factory. Go figure.