diddykoi6 Stone Cold Metal Feb 11, 2009 2,049 0 36 Grim And Frostbitten Kingdoms. www.last.fm Jun 18, 2009 #41 this topic sucks donkey balls. on lighter news theres a lot of cool shit to look forward too in september.
this topic sucks donkey balls. on lighter news theres a lot of cool shit to look forward too in september.
D.Ingram Member Mar 17, 2008 13,562 34 48 34 Sheffield, United Kingdom. Jun 18, 2009 #42 Theres an aids epidemico nits way. Blame Mr. Mad Magazine.
I-TEND-TO-DIE leave this world behind May 3, 2008 4,260 1,866 113 a good place in germany Jun 30, 2009 #43 dimebag brought some thing in the metal scene no one else did! and he was one of the best guitar players in that style of music pantera made and he shaped something new with em, without copying any other stuff..that's why I respect him so much.
dimebag brought some thing in the metal scene no one else did! and he was one of the best guitar players in that style of music pantera made and he shaped something new with em, without copying any other stuff..that's why I respect him so much.