Dimmu's bassist on vocals

Yes! Simen or Vortex or whatever other alter-egos he's known as is an incredible singer. His intense vocal-range and highly-organic screams make me wonder why he doesn't just do his own thing apart from hiding in the shadow of the much more inferior-vocalist, Shagrath.
LuminousAether said:
Simen shouldn't leave Dimmu, Shagrath should. If Simen took over lead vocals (screams and singing) for that band, they would absolutely demolish. But Shagrath holds them back, and Simen doesn't sing enough.

Not saying that I don't agree with you, but this would never work for a number of reasons, most obviously being his lack of an image. The little girl demographic would vanish if Simon was fronting the band. He's also not a very prolific songwriter compared to ol' Shaggers.