Discuss your job/trade thread.

I can hear the sound of the klaxons and shouts of my blood cells attempting to go through my heart arteries. I just ate 4 scrambled eggs fried in oil, with a huge slab of margarine added and melted in later, while letting them get a nice colour and texture. Feels good man.
I can hear the sound of the klaxons and shouts of my blood cells attempting to go through my heart arteries. I just ate 4 scrambled eggs fried in oil, with a huge slab of margarine added and melted in later, while letting them get a nice colour and texture. Feels good man.

Baby :p
Oh trust me, the only thing that beats this is Brian's bacon-cola-icecream.

Depending on the oil used, theres no way you're meal was over 700 calories. Breakfast is supposed to be your largest (assuming you ate these in the morning), and average person is supposed to eat 2000, I'd say you're fine :p.

You really should have had them raw though, and followed it up by a training montage.
I had Currywurst und Pommes made by me last night. Was so good that I post here to tell how good it was.
I only made the currysauce by myself and fired to sausages :P
I'm eating Pizza... Standard.

Oh and to everyone who has participated in the Lunchification of this thread: <3
I had a few of yesterdays' leftovers for dinner:


Veeeeeery healthy indeed :(