Discussing leaks

Answer these questions for me, with a Yes or No answer, nothing else. I'd just like to know where you stand.

I'm not soundave, but I'll answer the questions anyway cause they are really challenging. I'll give a Yes/No answer with a short explanation. Here we go:

1. I see my neighbor working on a new invention. I go over and we talk and he intends to start a business with this new product and make a lot money. Now If I go out on my own and build this product for myself to keep at home (IE, steal his idea and don't buy the product from him) and don't try to profit from it, am I wrong?
No. Since your neighbor told you voluntarily how the invention works.

2. My mother buys a CD from Amazon. She listens to and figures I might like, so she makes me a copy from hers and gives it to me the next time I visit. Is she wrong for not buying another copy?
Yes. It would be ok if she lend you her CD instead of making a copy.

3. A free single from a band is released for a week only. I totally forget about this and now it's only available for 1 dollar on Itunes. Am I wrong to download this free from a torrent site?
Yes. Tough luck!

4. I really want the upcoming Season 4 of Lost on Blu-Ray Hi-Def. I don't think or don't want to shell out the money for a BD player, however. So, instead I DVR the show in HD and remove the commercials, instead of buying on Itunes or getting a HD player. Am I wrong?
Morally, yes. You're getting an enhanced product, an uninterrupted version which you can watch anytime you want. But you don't pay for it since you don't watch the commercials.
thing is all the obscure prog bands from the 60´s and 70´s who released a ltd number of LP´s back then, how on earth should i have known about them had it not been through illegal DL?

This for me is the only grey area, and it's not only limited to 60's and 70's obscura. Take a band like Höyry-Kone. Their albums went out of print ages ago, and you can't even find someone hocking their copies on Ebay, so how are people who are burning to hear them to get hold of a copy without somehow finding it available on a download site? The band (well, they don't exist as a band anymore) are aware that people would buy them were they to be re-issued, but, well...other priorities I guess. So unless they're re-released or an Ebay miracle happens, I wouldn't exactly bash anyone over the head if they managed to find Höyry-Kone, or they'd be the ones robbed by never having heard them.

For example.

his theory is flawed...how many people buy a car without test driving it first (?) :Smug: Use your head knoob, if I am gonna pay 20 dollars USD on a cd than I might as well listen or sample it first.

You don't have to download an album to "test drive" it. I've often bought albums on the strength of the 20 second clips on sites like allmusic.com, for example. I, for one, don't really need more of an indication than that, since I can generally tell pretty quickly if I'm going to like something or not. But that's in general, and I know quite a few people who are like that. In a record store, they briefly flip through the tracks to figure out if it would be their cup of tea.

But. I'm willing to bet my ass that everyone on here is an Opeth fan to some degree, and as such tend to know what their sonic deal is, and the likelihood of us liking it is pretty high. I like the odds. So it's not as if we're discussing a leak of some band that we've never heard of and aren't sure what the flying fuck they're up to and would require a 30km test drive, if you know what I mean :lol:.

As far as downloading affecting the music industry, I don't know how it impacts major labels, can't comment on that... but I do know how it affects small ones, and in turn, those lovely little record stores to be found in far flung countries across the globe.

And soundave: I've also skipped a few meals in my life in order to be able to buy the album I so badly wanted. It's a sweet sacrifice, isn't it? ;)
Thanks for answering dwoakee. Although don't assume for question 1 that he told me how to build the thing. Let's say
we talked about sports and I kept my eye on the invention and figured out how he put it together.

Edit: Added one last question as well, if you care to answer that too.
Actually I only learned about Agalloch a couple weeks ago and do like them...

How can pandora.com play all its songs, without commercials, for free? Its marketing for the band. I would have never heard of Opeth had my friend BURNED me their CD. Since then (after I downloaded all their old stuff) I tell all of my friends about my favorite band (Opeth) that no one had heard of. My room is entirely draped in Opeth paraphernalia and I have introduced at least 10 people to Opeth. All of whom spend the $50+ to go to concerts and purchase shirts and stuff. Even my Ex-girlfriend bought GR. What I am getting at is that if a band has talent (very rare nowadays) they will continue to get more popular.

I have never heard Opeth on the radio and if someone told me I had to pay $15 for a cd of a band I had never heard of, except for the 30 second amazon preview, I would say they are crazy.

Back to the point, if people are so excited for the new CD they are checking every day for a leak then I would say those people are going to go to shows, buy murch., tell all of their friends about Opeth, put stickers on their car, and possibly buy the CD. I think that the new CD is brilliant. It will generate a larger ever growing fan base and Opeth will be able to draw larger concerts, get paid more to tour, have more time to write new music, ect... I assume that at some point this will come out in 5.1 and the day it does I will buy it. What is the point of not listening to the music if its out? Thats like waiting in a traffic jam when the lane next to you is completely open. Your going to get to your destination either way why wait?

First of all, Agalloch = godly.

I'll admit, I got into Opeth via a burned cd from someone in school. In fact, I got into most of my favorite bands that way. That was, what.... 8 years ago? 6? Can't remember. Back then, I didn't have internet. Anyways, a fuckload has changed since then. Now, every band has a myspace and an official site with full songs you can check out.

And NOT EVERYONE IS AS EXCITED AS YOU ARE FOR THE OPETH RELEASE!!! It's just there, so they download it.

If you want Opeth to get a bigger fan base and bigger touring, the ONLY way to do that is to buy albums. A label won't pay for a band to go on tour when there is no demand for their product.
I don't agree with your traffic analogy. It's more like your stuck in one lane, and the lane next to you is a carpool lane (they don't have those here, but they have those in the states, right?) and it's completely empty. Anyway, you're alone in your car. You can either
a) Wait patiently to get where you're going, because while you'd like to get there as early as possible, there is no rush and nothing will change if you get there later
b) Go into the carpool lane, therefore breaking the law (I find it hard to talk about morals, cause I hate that subjective word). Now, if it was just you out of everyone driving, you're right, no harm no foul. But if everyone thought like you? Everyone would be fucked in traffic.

@ Cracked Jack: I won't answer your questions, but I will say this: I know some bands (Agalloch for example) who are all for downloading albums that can't be bought anymore. That's pretty cool of them. They don't have to do that. Yes, it's out of print. Yes, the only way you can purchase it is to pay huge amounts of cash on ebay. TOO FUCKING BAD. Then you'll just have to come to terms with wanting something and not having it.

The only grey area, if any, that I can think of is dead artists. I mean, you don't screw Hendrix over if you download his album instead of buying it. I still feel it's wrong to download, but I have a hard time reasoning with myself as to why I feel this way. It just feels.... wrong. Ruins my listening experience.
Look, I really don't want to argue with you and I apologize if I insulted you at all. But I'm really offended by the way you don't listen to what I'm saying.

Sorry if you misunderstood me. Look, not all of my original post was aimed at you. I was speaking in general.

Don't have time right now to answer the Q's right now, but will read them and give them thought later.

Glad to see you're not just getting pissed and storming out of here.
You can't be that naive, can you? In most bands case, it takes years to release their first album, and sometimes 5-10 years before they can live completely off of their music. What are they supposed to do in the meantime? Starve?

And while it may be easy for you to spend 8 months away from you wife and children, I don't think it's that way for everyone.

Too many people think that they deserve to have all the albums that they want, as if the musician owes it to them. "Why should I buy it? It's expensive, I've got better things to spend on, and why shouldn't I download it? I mean, I'm a fan. That gives me every right to steal".
I can't belive that I'm lecturing people who are probably older than me on postponement of gratification.

well going to university will cost you 5-8 years of your life or longer if you intend to become a doctor... and people still do manage it, and do not starv
- i never said its easy, but its not magical like most people think and it has nothing to do with luck ether...

your right being on tour is not for everyone, but if you decide to do music for living its nesesery to do so. dont like it?...THAN STOP BEING IN A BAND

i never said "why sould i buy it" "to expensive" all i said is that bands should use there music to get fans and than make money by playing gigs...easy as that - whats the deal? and if someone wants to buy a hardcopy - fine, if not fine to...

just like portishead did it...
This will definitely be my last post on this issue. I'd rather spend my time here having discussions that don't piss me off so much. Otherwise this just feels like work. So, sorry if I get riled about about this issue.

To answer your questions:
1. I see my neighbor working on a new invention. I go over and we talk about sports and how he intends to start a business with a new product and make a lot money. While we are talking I see the product in the background and figure out how he put it together. Now If I go out on my own and build this product for myself to keep at home (IE, steal his idea and don't buy the product from him) and don't try to profit from it, am I wrong?

Yes. Or, better: I would feel wrong. Either ask the guy if you can make one, or give him a few bucks. Are you required to? No. But is that why we do what we do? I'm not required to chase down the busy mom whose kid drops a sippy cup in the grocery store to make sure she gets it back. But I do. You didn't think of it. Give the guy some credit. That you wouldn't talk to him about it makes me think you know that what you're doing is kind of sneaky and not exactly... right.

2. My mother buys a CD from Amazon. She listens to and figures I might like, so she makes me a copy from hers and gives it to me the next time I visit. Is she wrong for not buying another copy?

Of course she is. She sounds thoughtful enough to realize that the cost of a CD isn't going to kill her this once. Skip a meal if she has to. You're her son, and I'm sure you're worth it. Just like the artist (and those who make the artists music available to you and mom) are worth some consideration.

3. A free single from a band is released for a week only. I totally forget about this and now it's only available for 1 dollar on Itunes. Am I wrong to download this free from a torrent site?

So the band says it's no longer free? I think that's your answer, right? As a wise man said, you snooze you lose.

4. I really want the upcoming Season 4 of Lost on Blu-Ray Hi-Def. I don't think or don't want to shell out the money for a BD player, however. So, instead I DVR the show in HD and remove the commercials, instead of buying on Itunes or getting a HD player. Am I wrong?

No. But taking the time to remove commercials sounds like it might take more time than simply fast forwarding through them. Sounds like all that time and effort is what you end up paying. Can you work out your salary hourly-wise? That's how I determine whether the time I invest in trying to beat the system is actually worth it. Often, it isn't.

5. I buy a CD from Japan and it's going to take awhile to have it reach my doorstep. Now, I find a quick download of the album online. Am I wrong to download it to my computer, although I'm going to do the same thing when I get the actual disk in my hands?

Damn, you're trying out every iteration of this, aren't you? Well, again, the question I use to try to judge for MYSELF is this: was I meant by the people who made this to have this item? No? Then it's settled.

I'm only trying to get people to think buy giving these examples, and in my past posts. And I don't appreciate being talked to like some criminal. The world is a huge grey area. Is killing a criminal during wartime wrong, maybe even getting honored for it in the process? Is murdering the same person while he in his apartment during non-wartime wrong? Laws would have different things to say about that. But, there's no one morally right or wrong answer. Some would say all war is despicable and the soldiers are no different from criminals. Others call them heroes. Some people would say George Bush is a criminal for his action and should be jailed. Others see him as a hero. The point is that we each have different ideas of morally just actions and non-morally just actions. I hope we can all appreciate and respect that.

I agree that the world is full of grey area, and your "killing in wartime" scenario is a good one. My father was basically excommunicated from his church for trying to get the priest (a war vet) to admit that killing in war is murder. The priest argued that he killed people, but didn't murder them, and used that as a way to get out of the whole "Thou shall not kill" thing. In fact, in aramaic, my dad explained (I don't know this for certain myself, btw, but am only relaying a story) but there is no word for "murder". It's just "kill". Or something to that effect. What I'm geting at is that we can twist language around quite a bit to justify our actins and ultimately shape the reality around us to fit our views.

I'm not calling you a criminal on par with a murderer or car thief. It's petty crime. It's digital shoplifting. How much you are hurting someone depends on what you choose to believe, I guess. I know that Mikael gets pissed about leaks. I know that the November's Doom guy who posts here has said to buy the CD's. And, most importantly, it feels wrong to me based on the criteria I have set up for myself.

I was booted from Napster in the Metallica fiasco. I DL'ed only albums I owned, but owned on tape. I thought I was justified, since I paid for them once. But I've since changed my mind. Look, I've shared music with friends: people have given me burned discs and shit. I've even asked for hard to find shit from people who have it. Wrong? Yes. And I knew it was because I felt bad afterwards.

I mean, don't you all feel like you're doing something wrong when downloading a leak? When you're getting a bunch of music you didn't pay for? That doesn't make you feel like you've done something wrong? I'm not wired that way. And I'll admit to being surprised that everyone isn't. It sort of starts to crack my whole concept that people are mostly good.

Anyhow. There it is.
^ Though you have good points, "good" is in the eye of the beholder. There is nothing like an absolute moral truth. So I don't see why it should crack your belief that people are mostly good. If anything, it should crack your belief that what you believe is good is the good.

This is turning philosophical pretty quickly :)
^ Though you have good points, "good" is in the eye of the beholder. There is nothing like an absolute moral truth. So I don't see why it should crack your belief that people are mostly good. If anything, it should crack your belief that what you believe is good is the good.

This is turning philosophical pretty quickly :)

True enough. Is what I despair then that more people aren't good in the way that I wish they would be (and define for myself as good)? I guess.

So I lied when I said I wouldn't comment anymore.
...my whole concept that people are mostly good.

Dave, your posts are excellent, and I agree with almost everything you say, except this...people are NOT mostly good, so that's why I don't bother arguing these points. You know it's wrong, I know it's wrong, but many people don't...or simply just don't give a flying fuck. That will not change.
Of course she is. She sounds thoughtful enough to realize that the cost of a CD isn't going to kill her this once. Skip a meal if she has to. You're her son, and I'm sure you're worth it. Just like the artist (and those who make the artists music available to you and mom) are worth some consideration.

Even in Germany this kind of sharing is legal (if there's no copy protection at least) :goggly: Aren't you overdoing it?
TheCrackedJack said:
1. I see my neighbor working on a new invention. I go over and we talk about sports and how he intends to start a business with a new product and make a lot money. While we are talking I see the product in the background and figure out how he put it together. Now If I go out on my own and build this product for myself to keep at home (IE, steal his idea and don't buy the product from him) and don't try to profit from it, am I wrong?

That depends on whether, in the case that you wouldn't know how to put it together, you would find the invention worthwhile enough to pay for it. If you would pay for it in that case, you're essentially taking away some of the financial gain your neighbour could have, so that would be morally wrong (although even here nuances could be made, for example if the invention is really so groundbreaking that your neighbour is going to profit immensely, it won't make any significant difference). If you wouldn't pay for it anyway, you're not taking anything away from your neighbour, you're just giving yourself an advantage. I would describe that as morally neutral. If your neighbour is a friendly guy and the invention is something that took some inventive thinking to create, and is useful and not too costly, it'd be nice to buy one in support of the guy. But if you don't do that, I wouldn't call it morally wrong, but not morally right either.

2. My mother buys a CD from Amazon. She listens to and figures I might like, so she makes me a copy from hers and gives it to me the next time I visit. Is she wrong for not buying another copy?

No. First of all, she has already paid for the music, and could have just let you hear it from her own CD. She can't know for sure whether you'll really like it, so immediately buying a second CD would seem a bit strange, especially within the same family. I think the moral choice in this case doesn't lie with your mother, but with you. If you really like the CD, and want to support the artist, you can go buy the album. If you don't, you don't have to, and your mother was right to make a copy instead of buying it instantly and wasting money on a CD that you don't like anyway, or at least wouldn't find worthy of paying for.

3. A free single from a band is released for a week only. I totally forget about this and now it's only available for 1 dollar on Itunes. Am I wrong to download this free from a torrent site?

No, the difference between remembering something like that, and not remembering it, usually depends on little things, so you could have just as well remembered it. There were no moral choices involved in the process that could have resulted in you either having the single for free or not having it for free (remembering to download it), and the effect of that process would still be there at the time you have to decide to download it illegally or pay for it (you'd still have the single on your PC), so your choice at that moment has no moral attachments. Besides, if you really like the single, you'll probably buy the album. I think in this situation it's almost impossible to make a case for the choice being morally wrong.

4. I really want the upcoming Season 4 of Lost on Blu-Ray Hi-Def. I don't think or don't want to shell out the money for a BD player, however. So, instead I DVR the show in HD and remove the commercials, instead of buying on Itunes or getting a HD player. Am I wrong?

No, for obvious reasons already brought up by other people.

5. I buy a CD from Japan and it's going to take awhile to have it reach my doorstep. Now, I find a quick download of the album online. Am I wrong to download it to my computer, although I'm going to do the same thing when I get the actual disk in my hands?

No, it won't make any difference for the band that created the music, since you've already paid for it, so the choice has no moral attachments.

So in essence, only in the case of the first scenario there is a possibility that the choice is morally wrong.
On a related note. Is it legal to allow people to listen to them music you've bought?

Don't know how it's like in other countries, but I guess it's supposed to be the same. In Belgium officially it is even illegal to play your music loud from your car because then other people share in that ...
And ever actually read those texts that show up at the beginning of DVD's? Here it says that you can't even show the movie to a small group of friends (doesn't say how much a group is), or use it in class for educational purposes ...
So, officially: NO, you can not let other people listen to music that you have bought.
Being said, this is the official story, in practice no one gets arrested for playing their music loud from their car because other people share in the experience ... so in practice, everything is a bit more realistic, although I heard many horrible cases that even in practice it is way too strict.