Dissection - Reinkaos

dissection has always been a terribly overrated band and i hope jon what's his name dies asap so i don't have to hear about his worthless life and shitty music anymore

do you feel bad about saying this now lyle
If jon did not go to jail and Dissection followed up storm of the lights bane with the same line up 1,2 years later it would have been the greatest album EVER.
I think Dissection are slightly overrated, especially now that Jon's dead. Somberlain and Storm of The Light's Bane are good gateway music, but not exactly masterpieces. Reinkaos sucked. But there are a million bands who are worse overrated.
Dissections acoustics are incredible. It literally sounds like they recorded SOTLB in like 1920 in a big museum or something. I don't know
do you feel bad about saying this now lyle
well, i doubt he feels sorry for wishing jon was dead. but i'm sure he hates the fact that once jon did die, then he had to hear about dissection more than ever.
so never wish a musician in a band u hate dies just so they will go away, because then everyone will feel the need to posthumously suck them off for years and years.

dissection unplugged > plugged in
the pathetic thing here is that some people get pissed when i diss reinkaos cause jon is dead. i see it this way:
the musical creations and the person are two completely separate things. it is indeed a personal tragedy that jon died, but raising up his music just for that fact is geigh
Dissection is one of my fav bands. Despite is truth that "Reinkaos" has nothing to do compared with "The Somberlain" or SOTLB, i think it is an awesome album, very well composed and performed.

And Btw, The Somberlain pwns all ! :horns:
Reinkaos is a terrible album and all Anime blows. however, Storm Of The Lights Bane is great.