
Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
According to the Chicago Metal Factory show listing, they are..
I don't recall the date...
You can check www.cmf.com if you wish....

I know some on here have stated they are into them so I figured I would post them..

Never been my thing.
I thought though they were still popular enough that they would be beyond playing Pearl Room? Maybe they are doing this as a treat for the local fans in playing a more intimate venue. If that is the case, then major :headbang: to them for doing so.....
I read about this on the Thirsty Whale website, where someone was saying that it was going to be billed as a Disturbed tribute band for $20.

That would be an amazing show to see - I've always wanted to see Disturbed, especially in a smaller venue.
I read about this on the Thirsty Whale website, where someone was saying that it was going to be billed as a Disturbed tribute band for $20.

That would be an amazing show to see - I've always wanted to see Disturbed, especially in a smaller venue.

Gotcha, so I take it they aren't officially going to bill it as DISTURBED playing, though everyone pretty much knows it is?

Kind of like when MEGADETH played the METRO that one time as VIC AND THE RATTLEHEADS.........
I really like the "Believe" and "Ten Thousand Fists" discs, but not the first one. They definitely changed their sound from the original disc. Those that didn't like them originally should really give "Believe" a spin as it has some great tunes...

As for the rumoured show, the Pearl Room MySpace page has it listed as "The Indestructible.., Chicagos Premiere Disturbed Cover Band. All Ages., w/ Art Of Dying (on tour with the Disturbed and the Mayhem Tour ) and Royal".
they are a horrible band. complete commercial crap. in a few years they will be forgotten like all the other acts like them.

I doubt that - their albums sell big time, and I find them to be a pretty unique band for being that successful. David Draimain is a really cool singer again, with a very unique voice.

I actually prefer the first album over the others since it's a bit more "industrial" or at least has some electronic sounds going on, though I do admit that they get better with each album.

You may not like them, but you can't deny that they're huge.
being huge doesnt mean anything....you are forgetting....the general public have an attention span of a flea. When the next wave of whatever comes....bands like Disturbed will be completly forgotten about. They offer nothing to keep them in the halls of music history. Look how many acts are like them (not sound) that had the same amount of fame, but are now mever talked about or even played anymore. Not voicing my opinion, it is just the truth about how bands and music is percieved by the general public.
Personally, I cant stand Disturbed. Bands like that are a joke and it sickens me that people think of them as metal.
I think they will be remembered as one of the many "Ozzfest" era bands (IE - Korn, Limp Bizkit, etc). I have to go with Bob on this one. I doubt they will stand the test of time very well.

Anyhow, regardless of their status in serving the test of time, the point was that a band of their stature is playing the Pearl Room. Should be a cool experience for those into them.

The one interesting thing about Disturbed though is when they got signed. I was like "Who are they?" "They are from Chicago???" "Never heard of them"

Any of you more in tune with the local scene ever remember them as being a "scene" band?
I think they will stick around for a while, since they really have caught plenty of metal fans' attention. They won't reach a legendary status like Metallica, Maiden or Priest, but they do well enough on their own to not be dismissed because they were associated with Ozzfest or Nu metal.

I was just a little too young to know about them playing the local bars and clubs in the mid-late 90's, but I do remember they played the Canopy Club in Champaign around the time that their first album was coming out.
being huge doesnt mean anything....you are forgetting....the general public have an attention span of a flea. When the next wave of whatever comes....bands like Disturbed will be completly forgotten about. They offer nothing to keep them in the halls of music history. Look how many acts are like them (not sound) that had the same amount of fame, but are now mever talked about or even played anymore. Not voicing my opinion, it is just the truth about how bands and music is percieved by the general public.
Personally, I cant stand Disturbed. Bands like that are a joke and it sickens me that people think of them as metal.

Maybe it's because the other acts have either split up, or have not changed their sound a bit, or put out decent product since they were "today's cup of tea". Considering Disturbed's first album came out in 2000, they have survived pretty long for a public with an attention span of a flea. Granted, I am not a major fan boy that loves everything they've put out, but I would bet that a number of "metal" fans would be surprised at some of the songs they have on their last two albums, and the new stuff playing at their MySpace page sounds good.
I actually like Disturbed and think they are one of the few bands that actually get better with each release. Sure they aren't your typical metal band that most metal guys would be into, but I think they write really catchy hard rock/metal songs.

Believe and Ten Thousand Fists are their best albums by far. I didn't like Disturbed when I heard that first album, but after I heard Believe I really got into them. I don't like when David does the monkey voices, but I think he's got a really cool and unique singing voice.
I think they will be remembered as one of the many "Ozzfest" era bands (IE - Korn, Limp Bizkit, etc). I have to go with Bob on this one. I doubt they will stand the test of time very well.

Anyhow, regardless of their status in serving the test of time, the point was that a band of their stature is playing the Pearl Room. Should be a cool experience for those into them.

The one interesting thing about Disturbed though is when they got signed. I was like "Who are they?" "They are from Chicago???" "Never heard of them"

Any of you more in tune with the local scene ever remember them as being a "scene" band?

I remember going to see them at Champs in Bridgeview, they put on a free show to thank the people that supported them before they got signed. Three weeks later they were all over Mtv and the radio.
they are a horrible band. complete commercial crap. in a few years they will be forgotten like all the other acts like them.

I don't think you know what you're talking about. I don't think I could name one band that sounds ilke Disturbed, and his voice is really good. I used to be a pretty big fan, never listen anymore but they are from run of the mill trying to get rich hard rock band.
I don't think you know what you're talking about. I don't think I could name one band that sounds ilke Disturbed, and his voice is really good. I used to be a pretty big fan, never listen anymore but they are from run of the mill trying to get rich hard rock band.

agreed 100%....people have been saying the same shit bob is for years...they'll
go on to have their 4th platinum album, even with the state of the industry, and
continue to do their thing for a long time to come. like 'em or not, the bottom line is they are the real deal, have real talent and write memorable songs....that still carries more weight than corpse paint and furry cock covers.... :)