least I have an opinion and not a follower of the masses.

That is such crap!!!! So you think it's not "cool" or "true metal" to be a fan of a band that happens to have masses of fans without losing your "underground metal fan" integrity? OK...whatever! :rolleyes: [I know I'm putting words in your mouth, but that's the way you present yourself here.]

So I must be a sheep then for loving bands like RUSH & TOOL. Esp Rush now when their fan numbers rival almost any active band on the planet.

It seems like you're one of those elitist fans that as soon as a band you like starts appealing to a lot of people, you start making an effort to find (fabricating if you must) reasons why they've "sold out" or "compromized" their music in any way. :rolleyes:

And FYI...your beloved pagan/folk/black/power metal genre(s) are no more than the metalcore/whatever-core of Europe!!!! It's become the new "hot" scene over there, and the majority of bands are a dime a dozen, bandwagon jumping, clones who in reality are all starting to sound exactly the same!! Sure, there are a very small handful of gems (who are actually the more open-minded ones to incorporate various music styles)...but that genre has already over-saturated the metal scene in Europe to the point of nausea & is now finally spilling over to the states.

Bottom line is...the genres of metal you hold so dear (or at least wave the flag for just to get attention) are no less a current virus/plague in the European metal scene than what the "core" bands here in the US are...multiplying like rats & 98% UNORIGINAL & BORING!!

Put that in your pipe & smoke it!! :p :lol:
That is such crap!!!! So you think it's not "cool" or "true metal" to be a fan of a band that happens to have masses of fans without losing your "underground metal fan" integrity? OK...whatever! :rolleyes: [I know I'm putting words in your mouth, but that's the way you present yourself here.]

So I must be a sheep then for loving bands like RUSH & TOOL. Esp Rush now when their fan numbers rival almost any active band on the planet.

It seems like you're one of those elitist fans that as soon as a band you like starts appealing to a lot of people, you start making an effort to find (fabricating if you must) reasons why they've "sold out" or "compromized" their music in any way. :rolleyes:

And FYI...your beloved pagan/folk/black/power metal genre(s) are no more than the metalcore/whatever-core of Europe!!!! It's become the new "hot" scene over there, and the majority of bands are a dime a dozen, bandwagon jumping, clones who in reality are all starting to sound exactly the same!! Sure, there are a very small handful of gems (who are actually the more open-minded ones to incorporate various music styles)...but that genre has already over-saturated the metal scene in Europe to the point of nausea & is now finally spilling over to the states.

Bottom line is...the genres of metal you hold so dear (or at least wave the flag for just to get attention) are no less a current virus/plague in the European metal scene than what the "core" bands here in the US are...multiplying like rats & 98% UNORIGINAL & BORING!!

Put that in your pipe & smoke it!! :p :lol:

Well teacher. Thanks for you input. Iknow that the folk / viking stuff is growing fast. I kind of keep up once in a while with what is happening in the music world. First off. Every genre will have its bandwagon jumpers on. Will they hold out after the fad is over? no. You dont need to explain how the metal scene works in Europe. I pretty much have an idea.

My issue with "core" bands is that it is all a bunch of bad hardcore bands that are trying to exploit the fact that metal got popular again. Plus the whole tough guy meat head mentality that goes with it.
I have no issues with poeple who like Tool or Rush. At least those bands are respectable. I am not a fan of Tool but respect them for what they do.

I am an elitist. I am not ashamed of it. I liked COB but they have gone the commercial route and I cant take that kind of stuff. When a band comprimises thier sound or presentation. They loose it for me.

For the "sheep" comment.....that is aimed at the people who are afraid to speak thier mind. There are so many people here who wont say what they truely feel. They will suck up to you guys because you are putting on the fest. But outside this board have made the same exact comments I make here. But they are to afraid to speak up.

I highly dount that the folk metal bands are a plauge in Europe...maybe to the metalcore ears they are since it is actually music and not screams and chugging bass lines with your typical fat bald singer and everyone all pumped up on testosterone. Metalcore is the running joke in the metal scene. sorry.

The only part of the folk metal plauge you talk about is the Nationalist stuff that has been appearing in it. There is more and more white power stuff happening in that scene, which will eventually cause its downfall if it isnt taken care of soon.

I do hold the metal flag close to me. I grew up with metal and it is a huge part of my life. Trendy stuff that is here to exploit and make a quick buck off of real metal acts makes me sick. What is even worse are bands who change thier sound to fit with a current trend. I have zero respect for that.

end of battle.
I highly dount that the folk metal bands are a plauge in Europe...maybe to the metalcore ears they are since it is actually music and not screams and chugging bass lines with your typical fat bald singer and everyone all pumped up on testosterone. Metalcore is the running joke in the metal scene. sorry.

IMO, most metalcore sucks ass just like most black metal. And I agree that metalcore & emocore has definitely become a joke in the metal scene...but certainly not any less than black metal. Hard to say really which is the bigger joke.

Also, on a side note...IMO, the use of Satan/demonic imagery & subject matter in metal has become poser. It's gotten so cliche now, that my first knee-jerk reaction to whenever I see or hear any band (or metal fan too) "praising Satan", I immediately think "POSER"!!

I wouldn't be surprised that the reason why all these recent Christian metal bands have become so huge in the underground (and by "huge", I do mean in reality among the highest grossing underground metal genre on the planet right now...no shit!) is the fact that there are a ton of metal fans out there who are just tired of the whole Satan/evil cliche & think it's just lame/cheesy...me being one of them.

Now don't get me wrong...I think having "Christian" lyrics is pretty cheesy too, but at least the Christian metal bands don't wave their flags of cheese as proudly as the Satan-lovers. :lol: Similarly, I do have respect for the bands who are true to their devil love, but who keep it low key...at least they're not using it for any gain...for example Deathspell Omega, who is probably my favorite BM band. :kickass:
you are the one who bought up album sales and how many platinum records that they have. Most artist who are big really have no talent...they have others do the work for them. The reason they get a push is because they are the maketing tools of the major labels. I am going back to my cave which leads to the underground of real music. Hope to see you there one day.
No doubt ... lots of CRAP gets a huge push, and subsequently hude sales in the US, but I actually think Disturbed doesn't qualify in this case. They have a really solid singer, and a really solid guitarist. It's a pretty good band overall, and they do get a bad rap because of their popularity. They might be a bit guilty of changing with the trends a bit .. ala Trivium, but all in all I do like them, and find them talented .. same goes for Trivium too.

Just my two pennies !!

IMO, most metalcore sucks ass just like most black metal. And I agree that metalcore & emocore has definitely become a joke in the metal scene...but certainly not any less than black metal. Hard to say really which is the bigger joke.

Also, on a side note...IMO, the use of Satan/demonic imagery & subject matter in metal has become poser. It's gotten so cliche now, that my first knee-jerk reaction to whenever I see or hear any band (or metal fan too) "praising Satan", I immediately think "POSER"!!

I wouldn't be surprised that the reason why all these recent Christian metal bands have become so huge in the underground (and by "huge", I do mean in reality among the highest grossing underground metal genre on the planet right now...no shit!) is the fact that there are a ton of metal fans out there who are just tired of the whole Satan/evil cliche & think it's just lame/cheesy...me being one of them.

Now don't get me wrong...I think having "Christian" lyrics is pretty cheesy too, but at least the Christian metal bands don't wave their flags of cheese as proudly as the Satan-lovers. :lol: Similarly, I do have respect for the bands who are true to their devil love, but who keep it low key...at least they're not using it for any gain...for example Deathspell Omega, who is probably my favorite BM band. :kickass:

lol about the underground growth involving "christian" lyrics.
Its impossible to say that variant of metal is growing faster than others at this point in time.
Why? Because every region has different leaders in specific genres right now.

Ranging from Thrash, Hardcore, Power, Black, Death and the crossovers inbetween.

Concerning black metal, yea half the time it can be a joke, more or less its just good old fucking around.
I am not even going to bother going back to quote everyone....

EVERY genre has its posers.
Some band will see an opportunity and change their sound / image to grab it.

The main thing that ticks me off are the hardcore bands who in the late 90s / early 2000s abandoned hardcore for metal, with the rise of OZZFEST. Sorry Rob, I know you have some business dealings with them, but labels like Victory have ZERO credibility these days. Look at almost EVERY release on that label (or Ferret, Trustkill, etc), and you will see bogus tag lines, like "For fans of Slayer, Metallica, Hatebreed, My Chemical Romance, and Slipknot" Why can't a band be content with playing one sound they believe in, and why can't their label market them as they truly are? I get it from a biz perspective, as (Insert ANY band on those labels) from marketing themselves that way, can play Taste of Chaos, Warped, Ozzfest, Sounds of the Underground, etc, etc.... There is no need to name any band by name, as that will just turn into a discussion of why one thinks a band is metal, while another doesn't.

Like them or not, at least HATEBREED never abandoned their hardcore roots, even though they crossed over into the metal scene with Ozzfest. They still bring both hardcore and metal bands on the road with them, run hardcore labels, etc. So, regardless of what I might think about their music, I would say they have kept their integrity.

Secondly, record sales mean nothing. They are based on "units shipped" and not "units sold" A label will take a MAJOR risk on someone like Backstreet Boys or N'Sync by shipping 10 million out the first week in the hopes that they will actually sell. Even if they don't initially, there will be more hype around the release, as it can instantly be marketed as "the best selling first week of release ever"! I know some of your points in DISTURBED album sales was that they aren't going away soon..... DISTURBED don't bother me as much as other bands. I would say they have kept their integrity. I just personally don't care for their music, but that's not even really the discussion here.
I think MUDVAYNE is the one from Peoria.
Not sure about Disturbed. Think they might be from the southside.....

I just remember when they got signed as a "hot band from Chicago" it was like, "Who????"

Yes, 3 out of 4 of the original Disturbed members were from the Southwest Suburbs of Chicago. The vocalist is the only one who is from the Northside (actually, I think it was Northern Suburbs..but cannot remember).
Oh, and here's my 2 cents on black metal.
I was never a super religious person, and esp being a non-Christian, not much lyrically offends me.

I guess the ironic thing I have found is the claim of being "Against organized religion"

So....let me get this straight..
You are against organized religion....
But favor Satanism, which has its own rules and rituals, none of which are your OWN ideals, but those of folks like Crowley, etc.....

Makes no sense to me...

Kind of like the "militant" sXe'ers who beat people up for smoking and drinking at shows.

The more militant you are, the more hypocritical you usually become.
The vocalist is the only one who is from the Northside (actually, I think it was Northern Suburbs..but cannot remember).

Are you serious???
I seriously always thought their singer looked familiar......
I think he was in my gym class...

I remember kicking some nerd in the nads, and all he could say was...
"Ah wa ah ah ah!"
Are you serious???
I seriously always thought their singer looked familiar......
I think he was in my gym class...

I remember kicking some nerd in the nads, and all he could say was...
"Ah wa ah ah ah!"


I had the pleasure of talking to Dan (guitarist) and John (replacement bassist) and they were both VERY cool!

The singer I've heard is a real arrogant prick. Too bad.......
The singer I've heard is a real arrogant prick. Too bad.......

I was obviously just jokin.
I know nothin about them..
It seems though out of all the bands of their like, they seem to be the one which most underground metal bands dig....

The vocals ruin it for me 100%, though I admit to only knowing the "wa ah ah" stuff.
I was obviously just jokin.
I know nothin about them..
It seems though out of all the bands of their like, they seem to be the one which most underground metal bands dig....

The vocals ruin it for me 100%, though I admit to only knowing the "wa ah ah" stuff.

I know you were joking...I was just saying that it's too bad the singer is an asshole.

I think this last album will be their best....based on what I've heard so far.
I was obviously just jokin.
I know nothin about them..
It seems though out of all the bands of their like, they seem to be the one which most underground metal bands dig....

The vocals ruin it for me 100%, though I admit to only knowing the "wa ah ah" stuff.

Oops...sorry for the multiple post. ;)
I think they will be remembered as one of the many "Ozzfest" era bands (IE - Korn, Limp Bizkit, etc). I have to go with Bob on this one. I doubt they will stand the test of time very well.

Anyhow, regardless of their status in serving the test of time, the point was that a band of their stature is playing the Pearl Room. Should be a cool experience for those into them.

The one interesting thing about Disturbed though is when they got signed. I was like "Who are they?" "They are from Chicago???" "Never heard of them"

Any of you more in tune with the local scene ever remember them as being a "scene" band?

No they weren't a big scene band.....they played Champs and a few other places but I think that was about the extent of it.
we will see in a few years, keep an eye out for the used CD bins that will be full of thier CD's.

You probably said the same thing before the last album and the album before that...sorry these guys are good, they aren't going anywhere no matter how much you want them too. When people refer back to the music of the last 10 years they will be one of the bands that gets mentioned like it or not. Maybe next time they'll throw some songs in there about the Rainbow Warrior or the Magical Underwear Gnome to make you happy.