DIY Room Treatment When Tracking Drums

Stumbled on these pictures a while ago, and am planning to track drums in my studio over easter as the studio I normally use is being completely re-done. I should be able to use the guys mic's which are pretty decent, but I'll have to track it in my place.

The room I'd use is a pretty decent size, but has had no treatment. I can easily get some mattresses and duvet's and blankets to hang over them too. Has anyone tracked drums like this, or have any advice in how I should set it up?

*Obviously the Meatloaf stuff is done in a good environment, but those towels are being hung there for a reason, right?




That first picture looks identical to the setup SYL and DTB use in the Armoury Studio, and they have some great stuff going on.

Shit, the Alien drums were tracked underneath one of those weekend soccer game tent things, the fully open ones, with mattresses on 3 sides.
I even tracked drums ones in a HUUUGE room with about 250sqm and concrete floor. one wall was completely glass....
worst possible conditions, it still worked though...
(didn't need any snare-verb;) )....

those last pics look awesome!! LMFAO!!
Our live room treatments are basically just mineral wool slabs fixed to the walls and covered in coloured fabric tailored to look kinda decorative. They work pretty well. The room used to suffer horrible flutter problems but it sounds good now, everything sits together well.
I use mineral wool gobos and broadband absorbers too. The reason there are blankets on the gobos is because the top half of each one is reflective glass. This is not the type of setup I would use, but it is pretty typical of a "modern" sound.
In the radio station I work at, the big bosses decided they wanted to buy new everything, so among the shit they threw out was a lot of cubicle panels of assorted sizes.

Of course, they're not nice stand alone panels, just massive sandwiches of what I gather is cloth, wood, and what I think is drywall.

Anyone else have experience using cubicle walls?