Do This!!!

Mr. Shred-ididle

Its Chinese-Tilt ya' head
Jan 25, 2003
Try and do this to spread the word of good music!

Last month I came into my local cd shop JB's. I went up to the counter and said to a guy with green dreadlocks and a nosering, "Hey do you have any Symphony X Cd's"
"No, Little dude" he replied "are they some classical shit or something"
"HELL NO!" I shouted "They're Metal"
"Metal, dude I love metal. What type are they?"
So I tell him "Uh, do you know prog?"
"No dude, sorry"
"Well, do you know Dream Theater?" I say thinking of the most popular prog band.
"I know of them, we have some, but no dude, I havent heard their music"

So then he gets Awake from the shelves. Take the Beatles out of the store Cd player and puts DT in it.

"Dude, this is awsomme!!!!" he yells with a grin on his face. "what does this have to do with SyX?"
"Well," i say,"This is prog-metal. SyX is also prog-metal."
"What do they sound like this" he askes
"Only Better" I reply "faster, heavier, better solo's, better singer ect.."
"Ok little dude, I'll check out this stuff on the net. Hey can write out some other bands out so I can know?"
"Sure" And I do so. I also say to cheack out Power Metal and Shred and write out some of these other band.

Next week I went back in there and to my suprise, I saw ALL the SyX (even the debut) CD's, A few Yngwie disks, Some Rhapsody,Pain of Salvation, Planet X and even Cacophany's Go off.

The guy must of cheacked them out, love it and is ordering them in!!!!

Now its a mega-fine shop with most of my prog tastes satisfied.

So the next time your in a big cd shop try to DO A SIMMILAR THING!!
he called you "little dude" hehe

problem round me is that there are no independant cd shops round here.

only sam goody, tower, and a couple other shitty stores. They rip you off even if they do have the cds you want (which is a rarity). This is why i buy ONLINE. Besides when normal people think of metal they think Disturbed, Korn, Linkin Park, and other crappy bands that are all clones. So when you introduce new music to them, I find out most of the time they dont like the kind of music I like. Which is fine. Whatever. Listen to what you want to. But if I turn at least a few people onto new music, I am a happy mofo.

on a sidenote...What the fuck happened to Saturday Night Live? This is my first time watching it in a couple years and I havent cracked a smile. Where are all the funny people? did they leave?

This shit sucks. Why am i still watching? am i that bored? they questions may never be answered.

ummm...sorry for the tangent
That's pretty awesome what you did there Mr. Shred-i-diddle. Keep spreading the word! Preach on brotha!

To Soul - The problem with SNL is that they will eventually find cast members that are hilarious, but after a couple of years, these cast-members are offered spots in Comedy films and then they don't go back, because they realize that they can do what they love and make a really good living from it.
It sucks for SNL, but its good for Hollywood.
I would. . . if the Harmony House around here didn't close down. :cry:

There aren't any music stores like Sam Goody and other places around here anymore, except for in the malls which are miles away.
on the subject of music stores, i went into my "local" today and as usual went straight to the "metal" section (which, in Scotland anyway, consists mostly of Linkin Park, Disturbed, Green Day(?!?) and Slipknot, with the occasional Symphony X cd)...and to my total shock i saw Avril Lavigne's album there! Since when did she become even slightly metallish???!!?
Hey Fee, you stole my ex-avater.
Its cool ay, its how my face is when i "Shred" (hence name)
lol....mine too!!!!!!!! I think it's a pre-requisite for shredding! Learn from the master JP himself ;)


*shivver* MMmMMmMMmmmmMMMmMmmmmm :)
YEAAAAA!!!! That really annoys me! Tis soo unfair! He looks like he's really not too bothered whether he's there or not, like he's thinking about washing his car or doing his grocery shopping. BAH! *jealousy*
:lol: Yeah, have you seen the Dark Chapter video? Its like he's just sitting there staring into space while his fingers go crazy on the frets. :lol: washing his car or doing his grocery shopping... that made me laugh :D .
Yeah, that's so true about Romeo. One thing I could never understand about him (and I'm NOT making fun of him) is how is fingers can go so fast. I mean he's a pretty large fellow and he seems to have large fingers as well. Ah well, it beats the hell outta me, Keep up the amazing shredding Romeo! :)
When i saw children of bodom at wacken, alexi pissed me off so much. I mean, wether you like bodom or not, you cannot dispute alexi's shred abilities. Anyway, between songs he would stop singing, walk away from the mike and just bust out this killer lick while wandering the stage then just walk back to the mic and be like "alright... this next song..." and i was just like DAMNIT!!! at least look like you are TRYING!!!!
Bassmasta said:
Yeah, that's so true about Romeo. One thing I could never understand about him (and I'm NOT making fun of him) is how is fingers can go so fast. I mean he's a pretty large fellow and he seems to have large fingers as well. Ah well, it beats the hell outta me, Keep up the amazing shredding Romeo! :)

Actually Romeos got some pretty small fingers/hands. They're just chubby ;)
I guess I could learn from the younger generation (who am I kidding, I'm in my early 20s myself) how to successfully perform a prog conversion, although I have played Symphony X for a few of my friends and they have been appreciative, if not enthusiastic, about their music. :)