Do you all buy Opeth cd's?

Here in Germany a cd in the mid-90s had a price around 22 DM....thats 11€ today. Now I pay for old cds like 17€ but the prices are various between 13 - 19 €........most of them do cost 15€. Now look at the € compared to the $. They are more expensive than in the US. And like i sad, cds are more expensive now, then in the 90s.........

But i also handle it the way, that I download every album iam interested in. If I like it, I buy it.....
nah i didnt mean it as fact, but i can see that happening. Piracy means that music companies are forced to keep CDs at a reasonable price, is basically what i meant. Im willing to bet that if MP3s and other formats werent around, CDs would be a lot more expensive now than they actually are.

If it wasnt for MP3s, i wouldnt be interested in music at all, so will never have bought the 100+ CDs i currently own. In my view, it helps things rather than cause losses. But that is just in the UK i think.. record sales have gone up since MP3 really took off. It is an exception though.
NineFeetUnderground said:
That is incorrect. the truth is that CDs will typically stay priced within the means of the majority of the buyer's market of music price range. If it has been proven the most the average customer will pay no more than $17.00 for a single CD album...then the prices of CDs will stay at $13-17.
yes but people arent willing to pay as much when free alternativs (MP3s) are available. So it works out the same either way you look at it.
dorian gray said:
so are you saying the appropriate thing to do is to steal them?

By "steal them" you mean "have mp3"? if so then no... I have mp3, but still buy cds...i started buying cds at the age of 10 and i don´t see the reason for stoping that... what i´m saying is that it´s difficult to get opeth´s cds here because recently is becoming a known band... so you can buy the first cds (the russian re-edition) but the other are quite difficult to get, so i have for example Damnation in Mp3, but tomorrow i´ll buy it...
Lord_AgathoN said:
Here in Germany a cd had a price in the mid 90 like 22 dm....thats 11€. Today i pay for old cds like 17€. The prices are various between 13 - 19 €........most of them cost 15€. Now look at the € compared to the $. And like i sad, cds are more expensive now, then in the 90s
that is interesting. 15 euros seems expensive to me. I don't know much about Germany's economy or why exactly CD prices would increase. Here in the US, CDs have been $15 for as long as I can remember. My feeling is that European CD prices are increasing due to consumers stealing rather than buying music, increases in shipping costs, and the declining dollar. US manufacturers have to make up the difference somehow and they probably do it by increasing the costs to European markets.
Nirnaeth Arnoediad said:
By "steal them" you mean "have mp3"? if so then no... I have mp3, but still buy cds...i started buying cds at the age of 10 and i don´t see the reason for stoping that... what i´m saying is that it´s difficult to get opeth´s cds here because recently is becoming a known band... so you can buy the first cds (the russian re-edition) but the other are quite difficult to get, so i have for example Damnation in Mp3, but tomorrow i´ll buy it...
I don't understand your question. As I understand it, to have an mp3 file, one would have to download it....without paying for it.

What keeps someone in Argentina from ordering an Opeth album from and having it shipped to their house? I order all my shit on the internet. The shipping costs always offset any tax savings, but at least I'm feeding real dollars into the economy rather than handing them over to the government to be squandered and wasted.
ChrisEmerson said:
yes but people arent willing to pay as much when free alternativs (MP3s) are available. So it works out the same either way you look at it.

thats not true. if you look at record sales, theyre actually higher than theyve been in the last 4 years.

it might be different in the UK, than here though.
Nirnaeth Arnoediad said:
It´s expensive to buy from the net...

You think 15 euros is expensive? Here is the average price... or more! I´ve seen here cds that costs 60 euros...
what unit of currency do argentines use? just curious. could explain the extreme cost of imported products.
60 Euros? are you sure? That's like $80!
NineFeetUnderground said:
thats not true. if you look at record sales, theyre actually higher than theyve been in the last 4 years.

it might be different in the UK, than here though.
nope uk is one of the only countries where music sales have increased by loads. Went up 5% last year, went down in USA accoding to the statistics i looked at.

I think the increase has been due to people discovering bands / music they like through the internet.
dorian gray said:
what unit of currency do argentines use? just curious. could explain the extreme cost of imported products.
60 Euros? are you sure? That's like $80!

We use "pesos"... 1 peso = $2.97 USD

That´s why cds are so expensive...

And yes... 60 euros... Also i´ve seen japanese Dark side of the moon (Pink Floyd) costs $90 or $100 USD
dorian gray said:
that is interesting. 15 euros seems expensive to me. I don't know much about Germany's economy or why exactly CD prices would increase. Here in the US, CDs have been $15 for as long as I can remember. My feeling is that European CD prices are increasing due to consumers stealing rather than buying music, increases in shipping costs, and the declining dollar. US manufacturers have to make up the difference somehow and they probably do it by increasing the costs to European markets.

Do we steal more than you do? I dont think american people claim to be the lead in everything, why shouldn´t it be the truth in this case? hahaha
I also dont think that american labels print their cds in america and ship them to europe. They are such big syndicates today, that they sure as hell have something they already bought where they print cds for the european market...
You actually support the band more when you go to their gigs as opposed to buying their records. Sure, record sales are what keep the label interested in continued relations with the band, but hardly any of that money makes its way to the musicians. If you are really interested in supporting them, buy up all their merch and go to as many gigs as you can get to.

Having said that, I preffer to have CDs, yes. It isn't always feasible though as I'm struggling with a meager budget and right now... insane tertiary education payments. The exchange of pirated records comes in handy for two reasons:
1) I get to sample material from bands I may otherwise have never heard of.
2) I get to have records of bands I would never usually have forked out the $ for to buy the album anyway.
In that sense, said band aren't losing anything through my piracy, yet in a sense gaining because I'll be discussing their music and recommending it to others who may feel the initiative to actually go out and buy one of their records, see one of their gigs etc.

I think the metal scene definately benefits from the sort of international exposure that the mp3 trade gives. Although it doesn't help that some people are compulsive pirates, with absolutely no CDs in their collection.

It's a big double-edged sword, but I think in general it has had more benefits for the underground markets than cons. As for the mainstream industry and their incessant money hoarding and bitching... good for them, they deserve to get shot down in flames, along with all their manufactured 'fast food' music.
I've only got Blackwater Park and Lamentations, I wouldn't mind getting My Arms, Your Hearse as well but I've currently got some other cds I'd rather buy.
mh, even if i downloaded music or got burned copies of the cds i basically wouldnt listen to them. smth makes them uninteresting to me. the only stuff i've download is music i wanted to buy but just couldnt find anywhere.
also, since i buy all the music i listen to i make sure that i really got the time to closely listen to it.
Good question Atilla, I have Morningrise, Orchid w/bonus, My arms, Your Hearse w/bonus; Blackwater Park jewel case, and the rest are copies. The reason is that where I live is pretty difficult to find them so I have to buy them by ebay or places like this. It sucks I know, but as soon as the record stores have them I'll buy them. It's a MUST. It applies to another great bands that I don't have access to have (scandinavian ones for example).

\m/ :kickass:

Nirnaeth Arnoediad said:
We use "pesos"... 1 peso = $2.97 USD

That´s why cds are so expensive...

And yes... 60 euros... Also i´ve seen japanese Dark side of the moon (Pink Floyd) costs $90 or $100 USD
wow. for some reason i didn't think argentina was using the peso. that's terrible. no wonder there's such a discrepancy. that explains some things.

how about ticket prices then? the last opeth show i went to the ticket cost $18 and after all the taxes and everything, it was around $30 or something. how much would you have to pay to see them in argentina (or close by)?
Lord_AgathoN said:

Do we steal more than you do? I dont think american people claim to be the lead in everything, why shouldn´t it be the truth in this case? hahaha
I also dont think that american labels print their cds in america and ship them to europe. They are such big syndicates today, that they sure as hell have something they already bought where they print cds for the european market...
gah! sorry man, i didn't bother to make that clear. i wasn't fingering germans. i meant worldwide.
as far as Americans being the lead in everything, we DO have the largest economy. I think Los Angeles itself is the fourth or fifth largest economy in the world. Oh, and yeah, I would imagine Americans steal more too. heheh!

American labels do not print or manufacture their CDs here. Virtually everything we "produce" is manufactured in China. However, if you buy a record in Germany from an American company, there will still be an effect on the cost. and vice versa. BMWs are really expensive here. Not only do we have to "pay" the difference between the dollar and Euro, we have to pay for shipment (on some models) and certain tariffs.
Living here sucks because of money, security and stuff.
If I'd go to an Opeth concert here, I'd have to pay like, let me see... $40 or $45 pesos, that means around of 16 usd which is pretty cheap for you, and kind of expensive for us, but I'd pay more than that to see them alive. I paid $120, almost 43 usd to see the G3 Tour in Buenos Aires (without bus tickets/hotel/food/beer/cigarrettes). That was pretty expensive for me.

\m/ :kickass:


dorian gray said:
how much would you have to pay to see them in argentina (or close by)?