Do you as a metal listener look down upon other genres of music/their fans?

^ bullshit answer imo.

Maybe you half-clued dorks prefer to force yourselves to care about everything as if it's life or death to maintain an image, those with a whole clue care about what they want to and leave the rest.
^ bullshit answer imo.

Maybe you half-clued dorks prefer to force yourselves to care about everything as if it's life or death to maintain an image, those with a whole clue care about what they want to and leave the rest.

I think you just completely misunderstood what I said.
I think you just completely misunderstood what I said.

Well why don't you elucidate it for me? All I'm saying is I still know plenty of intelligent people who choose to watch movies or appreciate other forms of art/entertainment casually and for enjoyment rather than being discerning in every circumstance.
I'll tell you one thing that sure is annoying about it! The same people who look down on other genres often have a hissy fit when someone does the same to metal, waxing moronic on how deep, intellectual and artistic metal actually is and how it is much more valuable than any other kind of music but classical.
Well why don't you elucidate it for me? All I'm saying is I still know plenty of intelligent people who choose to watch movies or appreciate other forms of art/entertainment casually and for enjoyment rather than being discerning in every circumstance.

It's possible to be discerning without "forc(ing) yourselves to care about everything as if it's life or death to maintain an image". That's a pretty skewed view of what it is to be discerning imo. I don't force myself to like anything. Why can't you enjoy something casually and for enjoyment and be discerning at the same time?
and I personally don't think there is a music genre that is inherently bad... there are good and bad artists in every genre

the people who listen to the mediocre mainstream musicians just simply doesn't care enough about music to learn anything about it.... plain and simple - it doesn't mean they are idiots - music is just not their main hobby

music is just a hobby like anything else (bodybuilding, cars, movies, videogames, sports, etc....)
It's possible to be discerning without "forc(ing) yourselves to care about everything as if it's life or death to maintain an image". That's a pretty skewed view of what it is to be discerning imo. I don't force myself to like anything. Why can't you enjoy something casually and for enjoyment and be discerning at the same time?

The question I'm asking is why should one have to be discerning in everything they do just to gain some kind of status, at least in your eyes, from it? To me, it just doesn't make sense. Yes, I exaggerated it in my last post, sorry.
The question I'm asking is why should one have to be discerning in everything they do just to gain some kind of status, at least in your eyes, from it? To me, it just doesn't make sense. Yes, I exaggerated it in my last post, sorry.

They shouldn't, and this is where I think you've misunderstood me. I never said anything about gaining status. Intelligent people will generally be more discerning in everything they do and like. That was my point. So when Bigdouche says "I'm willing to bet most people here just enjoy movies very casually", it doesn't necessarily mean they like mainstream crud.
Intelligent people will generally be more discerning in everything they do and like. That was my point. So when Bigdouche says "I'm willing to bet most people here just enjoy movies very casually", it doesn't mean they like mainstream crud.

well that is true... but I don't see how if one likes pop music - that automatically makes him less intelligent than somebody else

I know plenty of people who are extremely intelligent who just don't give a shit about music, and have no problem listening to something catchy on the radio
well that is true... but I don't see how if one likes pop music - that automatically makes him less intelligent than somebody else

I know plenty of people who are extremely intelligent who just don't give a shit about music, and have no problem listening to something catchy on the radio

You are a stupid head.