Do you guys have any questions?


safe in the cornfields
That you're curious about? Since I am interviewing the guys in 3 weeks, here's your chance to plug some questions you might want to hear! I have quite a few of my own allready enough for a full interview in fact; but I thought why not let some more fans get in on it; as i'm a fan that just happens to be a rock journalist as well!

So, anything you are curious about? I'll let you know if I already have it. I am trying to get as many as I can then cut it to a managable interview. Keep in mind I am still not sure what member(s) I'll be interviewing yet.
print one of these:

and ask janne if he knows what it is! :lol:
ask alexi if he likes his ESP's better then his jackson now that he has had it for a while, also ask what his setup is, that would kick ass!
Goth_Fiend, i know you from the BC RIch board, Hi.

Alexi's setup is on

BobVex did the amps and shit, i wrote out every guitar spec.

And Fenrir, you know what i asked you to ask..

"Hello Mr Wildchild, given the chance, would you ever go back to playing JAckson Guitars, like if the opportunity arose and jackson showed interest again in your immense talent."
ask which band member can kick the shit out of every other band member. You know, because its definitely important to be the toughest in your band. No seriously, ill get back to you on this one.

Will they be headlining in North America in the near or far future?


Are any of them considering going Hollywood? :cool:
He hates computers and the internet because of shite like the racism thread on this board..

Its that kinda shite and stupidity that keeps him from hanging out here.