I'm no fan of Manowar, but at Metal Meltdown a few years back a few friends and I tried to watch them, since all the bands we actually wanted to see were done. We wanted a good laugh. Anyway, we found some seats, among a bunch of their drunken, obnoxious fans. And we sat there, and sat there, and sat there, and sat there, ect.... They had people on the stage doing tiny adjustments to lights, and polishing their guitars, and setting up crap. Finally, we had enough waiting (seemed like days) and tried leaving. When we did we were greeted with security guards telling us that we "must find a seat". We told them we were leaving. They told us again, to "find a seat and sit down". I spent about 5 minutes explaining again and again that we didn't care about Manowar and just wanted to go home. They wouldn't let us. So, we ran for the exits. When we got there we had more people telling us we had to find a seat, because Manowar was coming on. We had to explain again that were didn't care and wanted to leave. Then they were all like "Well you can't come back in. This is your final chance." We just fucking bolted. Then when outside there were seemingly hundreds of other people who were also exhausted from the ordeal of exiting the building. We all had a good laugh at how pathetic Manowar and their egos are (they tried having an autograph session earlier but it was canned by the promoter as they wanted to charge people money for them to sign things).
On the way to my car we spotted their tourbus (more like a fucking moving village) surrounded by cops and security with cones, blockades, and flashing lights keep to keep their hordes of fans away, though I saw nobody not in a uniform anywhere near the bus. I think they even had a carpet leading from the bus door to the entrance to the building. Oh well.