MegustaMucho said:
....this thread is useless
you're gonna be hated by the others now =/
LOL, Ok, here, you started to
sorta get the whole point of this... I was just bored and wanted to see what sorta shit this would stir up. And mainly what inspired me to do this was the little friendly tit-for-tat Soy and I were having last night. I was trying to see if he'd like freak out and write a long hate-filled post cause he lost in our little exchange.
Kayos said:
.....Are you really that concernred about other's views of you to make this thread or was it just curiosity that caused you to create it?
This person also comes close as well. I
OBVIOUSLY don't give a shit about what anyone here thinks about me lol, and I did just create this out of curiousity to see what would happen. I expected to lose a few (worthless) rep points. Everyone who has come out against me, good for you. What you think and say about me is pretty fucking meaningless, but fun to read!

Fetzer said:
Omg I hate you so much Söy
Lol, he ain't so bad, he can be a douche, but so can I. I think he just is mad cause he lost last night. Jealousy is ebil (not a typo).
P.S. My avatar = me...

am I ugly or something? ftw is everyone saying about it being freaky or what? explain that one too me, LMAO