Do you hear any TOOL on Ghost Reveries?

^ hah now THIS I understand :lol:

later! (assuming you'll not commit suicide within the next 10 minutes but I guess this would be just my optimism ;) )
:Wreath: said:
hmm I have a hunch this guy may be from around eastern Europe... The construction of the sentences is more of our type... if any that is :lol:

but wherever he's from, he's brilliant... in his own retarded way :lol:

ty jestes wielki zajebaniec:p
żartuję :Saint:

you're right it does look like east european sentence formation
much like russian(which i know) and polish
paradoxile said:
ty jestes wielki zajebaniec:p
żartuję :Saint:

you're right it does look like east european sentence formation
much like russian(which i know) and polish

hehe zajebaniec? :lol: more like zjeb! zajebaniec sounds very funny, but if you told it to somebody from Poland I guess they would get the picture...

BTW, how come you know russian?
:Wreath: said:
hehe zajebaniec? :lol: more like zjeb! zajebaniec sounds very funny, but if you told it to somebody from Poland I guess they would get the picture...

BTW, how come you know russian?
I was born in the ukraine, went there to school for a few months before I came to israel.
funny thing is I don't speak one word in ukrainian,I understand most of it because it's pretty close to russian(just exchange every o in i and you get ukrainian:lol: ) polish is pretty close to russian too...many words and verbs are similar though polish uses roman and not cyrillic letters

I was Born in CCCP...(imagine Bruce Springsteen):grin:
You know, i've never heard this so called Tool influence on GR ...

And anyway, isn't it just that one section in GoP that everyone says is a Tool ripoff? It's not like Tool invented palm muting and tom hitting.
Nichtsicher said:
Insulting a guy because he does not know english? Has this turned into Blabbermouth in the past few days? At least show some respect and stop being so ignorant.

Well have YOU actually read what the guy wrote... ? To my mind nobody insulted him because he didn't know english but for the pretentious horseshit he threw up in each post...
Nichtsicher said:
Insulting a guy because he does not know english? Has this turned into Blabbermouth in the past few days? At least show some respect and stop being so ignorant.

Before calling someone ignorant or shit like that, just read salient's extremely childish & retarded posts and come back to me...or better, check my sig!!!
or maybe his creepy translator changed the name of the far away planet he lives on into russia... you never know