Do you know Chinese people who drive cars ?

Dhatura said:
Haha, that must be funny, this 25th we went to a family dinner to my uncle's and my aunt was already sort of drunk by the time we got there, and of course she started to ask about my heart matters right away, I hate that, like a child, "Do you have a suitor?" ffs, suitor!

I get that sometimes too, stupid really. Christmas a couple of years ago my aunt threw a brick through the window from outside, because she wasn't invited and years of feelinf inferior to my wonder mom. Crazy people. Las one was kind of funny, my other aunt (I actually like this one) brought her new boyfriend, my mom kind of burned her fingers, when she asked where they had met, was at the hospital, they were both admitted with depressions, was nice though, everyone laughed about it :) . I could go on and on, crazy family, but I love most of them, so I ain't complaining too often.