Do you like Tea?

How strong do you have it?

We have ours REALLY strong (kind of like black paint), much stronger than any other I've seen (except, perhaps, for the arabs/turks). Makes it more bitter :p

Well, you are from Brazil, it's not a surprise you have REALLY STRONG coffee. Actually, it's weird, but Wall Mart's Columbian's Coffee aren't bad at all. I mean, for a common coffee.

Last week, I tried for the first time a French coffee brand that I can't remember, the taste was really "deep" (bitter but... like a strong after taste, hard to explain), but it was also sweet even without sugar that was kind of weird.

But these time I usually only drink Tim Horton's coffee... which suck really really much. I can't even name what it is...

That's what I drink. Best tea I've ever had
Yesh, I do like tea a lot... expecially when it's cold outside, sometimes raining or snowing too, and I can sip my tea while I am in my home sweet home. :)
do you folks like coffee...? real coffee... from the hills of columbia...?
^i hate coffee but love nearly every alcoholic drink i've ever had

I just saw your signiture and thought I would mention that Obama is not a fucking Muslim you ignorant twat. He's a Christian who want's to change your country and at least attempt to pull it out of the shithole it's been wallowing in for the past 6 years. Not to mention that fact that your sig is generalizing all muslims as terrorists, and that is just plain racist. I hope you get banned.

Anyway, ironically I may be English, but I fucking hate tea.
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I just saw your signiture and thought I would mention that Obama is not a fucking Muslim you ignorant twat. He's a Christian who want's to change your country and at least attempt to pull it out of the shithole it's been wallowing in for the past 6 years. Not to mention that fact that your sig is generalizing all muslims as terrorists, and that is just plain racist. I hope you get banned.

:waah: i was so wrong!!! i should write a letter to him saying that i'm sorry!! he is the best thing to ever happen to america!!!

stop bitching because i don't like obama. if i want to make fun of him then i'll make fun of him. i don't bitch when people make fun of mccain. btw, i'm not getting in another fuckin political debate on cob-ot, there's been too many already :p most of them with everyone arguing with me :lol: