If i aim it right, i can pee from my shower to the toilet...
That's why you put a towel on the floorThe problem is when the stream is finishing and loses power and urine drops fall onto the floor.
The problem is when the stream is finishing and loses power and urine drops fall onto the floor.
Wow, I am SO glad to know this!
It wouldn't allow me to vote twice, as not only do
I piss in me own shower,I piss in everyone elses to.
Fuck yes I pee in the shower if I have to. Who the hell is going to get out, dry off, pee, and get back in?
My morning wood is to hard for this, I tried it once and I had to lean over really far in order for my cock to get far enough down so it wasn't hitting the seat or cramping up into the edge of the bowl. But then again I swear to God you could hang a big ass wet towel on my morning wood... I mean that thing is good.
lol I can relate. I tried pointing it on a downward angle once, but my dick hit the toilet water lol. not fun.
My girlfriend peed in the shower the other day. I was so turned on!
Course i do... peeing with morning wood is unpredictable... Shower is the best place for it.
its hard to aim 2 frantic streams of piss!
HAHAHAHahaahhahaah, I laugh because I've been there (and the image is so perfect, some guy stomping furiously at the drain trying to break up all the dump )