Do you rent space or have a home studio?

Are there any practice rooms in your area with thick enough walls?? Or check out like self storage or spaces you can rent in any old factories warehouses??

You're gonna have to put some work in either way you do it...

personally I have my setup at home and I organise recording drums somewhere local... then again i'm not as progressed in this profession as some of the other guys...
we rent out space, but we have a full working studio and do everything on site.

Our studio is out in the middle of country on a farm so its a cool place for bands to come and kick back, plus we can make as much noise as we want!! We had to build everything from the ground up in our space as we ripped the old studio out and started all over again.

If you have got the cash and time going for a empty shell is the best way to go then you can design and set everything out to suit your way of working. Depending how much is there already you can do a studio build 'on the cheap' if this is your first one and get some good results and a workable room to record in.
we rent out space, but we have a full working studio and do everything on site.

Our studio is out in the middle of country on a farm so its a cool place for bands to come and kick back, plus we can make as much noise as we want!! We had to build everything from the ground up in our space as we ripped the old studio out and started all over again.

If you have got the cash and time going for a empty shell is the best way to go then you can design and set everything out to suit your way of working. Depending how much is there already you can do a studio build 'on the cheap' if this is your first one and get some good results and a workable room to record in.


Where are you based bud??

How much of the old studio did you rip out?? How old was the previous studio??
I've got a bedroom studio and access to my parents holiday house which is situated near the beach but in a holiday resort kind of area about 1 and a half hours drive away. That means up until the summer school holidays the entire block is deserted, nobody lives in the area all year, so I can crank up the volume in a huge ghost town. Once summer hits my parents and brothers and sister use the place (they think I'm strange I go there in the middle of winter) but most of the year if I can get the time off and feel like dismantling my home setup and taking it down I can track loudly in a really inspiring atmosphere. Well at least I think recording alone in a ghost town is inspiring, others might think its nuts
I rent a place on the country side to. A small house approx. 60m2 total. Which include control+live room 30m2 and a kitchen/toilet etc and a lounge. I also can provide beds so people can stay there as we record.

The house itself was empty when i moved in, so the studio is build up from scratch, architect and contractors hired.
Where are you based bud??

How much of the old studio did you rip out?? How old was the previous studio??

The studio is in the West Midlands in a small village Birmingham way. We ripped everything out and just left the floating ceiling in and 4 walls and then started all over again. The owner before us had done a pretty bad job of building it and put up some real bad partitions and the control room was tiny.
Instead of making or buying any proper acoustic treatment for the rooms they had just stapled duvets to the walls too.
The studio is in the West Midlands in a small village Birmingham way. We ripped everything out and just left the floating ceiling in and 4 walls and then started all over again. The owner before us had done a pretty bad job of building it and put up some real bad partitions and the control room was tiny.
Instead of making or buying any proper acoustic treatment for the rooms they had just stapled duvets to the walls too.

Where in the west midlands are you based. Just moved to Dudley, well outside Dudley really
Where in the west midlands are you based. Just moved to Dudley, well outside Dudley really

The studio is about 30mins away from Dudley, we are just outside of Cannock/Burntwood so not to far from you.
I rent as well. I've done a few basic things, such as build a vocal booth, and add a control room to tracking room window, as well as put new floors in, but that's it. It's 2600 square foot a place on 10 acres out in the country, so no noise issues to worry about:)

How do you guys handle doing such a large amount of construction on a place you rent? Especially LoudNoises. It seems almost like a waste of money doing that much work on a place you don't own. I've been holding off on doing anything major until i have a place of my own.
Brian that would be my dream space 2600 square ft!!!! I just checked out your pictures you have got a nice looking space there too!!!

We only have around 1000 sq ft but I don't find building to be that much of a chore or even that much of an expense. When you are out in the country then its no so much about ploughing loads of money into sound proofing which is generally what costs the most.

Putting up walls, windows and panel absorbers is fairly cheap in the grand scheme of things, plus with our place we have been there for 18 months and we are on a long term contract we don't plan on leaving anytime soon. In fact there is more chance we will be expanding into the barn next door and knocking the walls down in between the two so we can expand our space. Then we can add a another live room with higher ceilings and vocal booth to our set up!
But I guess thats all in the future as the space comes available.
I do all my tracking in a garage haha actually i set up 2 rooms in there(control room and live room) although space is an issue still love it because i get to work from home and noise is never an issue since i try to do all my tracking early.
I live in a apartment complex that has 9 foot thick walls all around. That helps with noise complaints, which I've gotten none of yet!

I've got a main room that I track drums in that has 25 foot high ceilings (yummy) and is about 2000 sq feet.
I rent studio space to record guitars and drums.. and then do what I need to from home.

Generally, I mix at home.
For the first album, we had a big studio in the old offices we were located in. So I recorded drums there, and did the rest of the instruments at home. The next album we've got access to a warehouse space, so we'll do the drums there, and I'll do the guitars and bass at home.
I mix at my home studio (it's a separate room dedicated for my audio work in our flat, but a home studio nonetheless) and do most of the tracking in other studios. However, I'm constantly checking out real estate websites, doodling around with Sketchup and doing calculations, as we're moving out of here next year and I'm gonna start looking for a real place to turn into a proper studio.