Do you speak with an accent?

Yes I say one word in my northern english accent and a sea of dropped knickers spreads across the land.
I don't get it, you want to sound drunk all the time? Typically every is apeshit for Australian accents.

I have a west coast American accent, whatever that means. Thankfully that doesn't exist when I speak Russian.
I speak pittsburghese only slightly. The city hasn't infected my ability to speak yet like it's doing and done to so many others. I can feel it changing me.....i'm fighting it, must...resist the urge to say yinz.
Also, I'm fucking sick of answering questions to hawt blondes who look at me and go " oh maai gaawwdd!! how do you speak inglish so well?!? i thot they onli speak indian in india!! "
I'm more than an exchange student :'( TBH we have enough Vietnamese kids to fit that role :P But yes, I milk the most I can about the exotic-and-mysterious card.
You should tell them about how you can help them find enlightenment through the lost arts of the Kama Sutra.

(note: I don't actually recommend that)
Fucking retards. I thought Drexel was a good school. Why are people asking you that?

My accent depends on who I'm talking to and how angry I am. When I'm really really raging it gets a little Noo Yawk-y.
You should tell them about how you can help them find enlightenment through the lost arts of the Kama Sutra.

My senior claims that he pulled this line successfully and I think I believe him. :lol:

Fucking retards. I thought Drexel was a good school. Why are people asking you that?

My accent depends on who I'm talking to and how angry I am. When I'm really really raging it gets a little Noo Yawk-y.

Well, there are people from both sides of the spectrum. I've met some of the most intelligent, well informed people I've ever known and at the same time met some of the most idiotic. I mean, I've had to explain that there is no mosque being built on Ground Zero.
No one gives a shit about the UK.
