Do you speak with an accent?

Also, I'm fucking sick of answering questions to hawt blondes who look at me and go " oh maai gaawwdd!! how do you speak inglish so well?!? i thot they onli speak indian in india!! "

I've met foreigners who can speak english more coherently than the majority of people who live here and it's fucking sad.
I speak English more coherently than the majority of the people who live where you are and it isn't fucking sad because it's virtually my first language/middle class kids in urban India speak and learn in the Queen's tongue since when they are 5.
I've met foreigners who can speak english more coherently than the majority of people who live here and it's fucking sad.

It's not sad if they studied English. The average non-linguist native speaker probably doesn't understand the ins and outs of his/her mother tongue the same way someone who learned it and attained fluency over time and hard work did.
It's ok, I'm from Maryland so I kind of talk like that. We're like southerners who talk at normal speed.