Do you speak with an accent?

Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
Die bitch die!!!!!
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Personally, I don't. I live in Boston, and lots of people don't pronounce their Rs (it "pahk my cah" as opposed to "park my car"). I personally think that accent sounds trashy as hell, and contrary to popular belief, not everyone in this area talks like that; more just the lower class people in certain areas. My relatives in Germany on my mom's side speak with a Bavarian accent, which I think sounds terrible as well. I don't have an accent when I speak English (in terms of American English, of course) or German.
I don't have an accent really. My entire family is from Italy so they all have Italian accents. I'm the only one that doesn't. People have said that my voice sounds a little different though.
I made it a point to not talk like a dumb redneck. A lot of people here say I sound like I'm from up north, but that's just because I speak in proper English most of the time.
You definitely talk slower than people in the North. That's one thing I noticed meeting you and Grant. I'm used to having you "talk" on the forum at the speed that I talk/read, so it was a little weird.

Everyone has an accent.
Yeah Jeremy and Grant's southernness was definitely obvious to a great extent but it was cool.

I don't really have an accent...sometimes when I'm not thinking, my inner Boston will show but usually I enunciate.
According to This Quiz, I have a slight Boston accent, although like Life Sucks I am capable of pronouncing Rs.

I remember when this was posted. Anyone know where it is? I can't remember if it was it's own thread or if it came up in another one.

Anyway, I suppose I have a slight Philly accent. I don't say "wooder" for "water" or "iggles" for "eagles" or any shit like that, though.
I don't identify with any regional dialect, just American. At times I even try to speak more clearly, like by pronouncing t's that most people would barely pronounce.
So you don't say: "Pahk youa cah?" Good.

If anything, maybe I have a slight midwestern accent (pronouncing my As), because my dad moved to Michigan from Germany with his family as a kid, and his accent sounds more midwestern than German, and when I was little I always tried to sound more like my dad since my mom has a really thick German accent. People always tell me that I don't sound like I'm from around here, when I grew up in a suburb and have lived in Boston for over half a decade.
I come from Ireland I live in England but I speak with a American ACCENT

but the chicks love it and when i start shouting down the mic before a row the dude who i am about 2 fly at knows he is gonna get his ass kicked big time
I speak strange language called Czenglish. With nerdy Prague/Australian accent.

but the chicks love it and when i start shouting down the mic before a row the dude who i am about 2 fly at knows he is gonna get his ass kicked big time

My mother was born in Russia and my father in Finland so when growing up I pronounced words the ways they did, despite growing up here in America.