Do you speak with an accent?

I used to do that. Except when I would say a sentence my talking would gradually get faster and quieter. But I overcame it.

I was actually forced to overcome it because in middle school I was in a play and the director told me that he could not understand a word I was saying. That got me to work on my speech.
According to This Quiz, I have a slight Boston accent, although like Life Sucks I am capable of pronouncing Rs.

That quiz said I was either from Rhode Island, north Jersey, New York City or Connecticut.

...It couldn't be more wrong. I've lived in Lapland for all my life.

I shouldn't have an accent, because I know how words are supposed to be pronounced, but I rarely speak english, so the words sound different in my mouth than they do in my mind. I guess I do have some horrible swedish accent.

When I was younger, I had this tendency to repeat the last part of a sentence I just finished in a wishper.
All i know is that i detest British accent, no offense to the British members here.

there are a million british accents and i'm 100% certain you mean cockney, and even then you probably mean the even more awful cockney that you get in american tv shows (which tends to sound australian)
I don't really have an accent. But I'm slowly starting to pick up Maine lingo. Well, I guess I'm starting to say things like hard as haad.
there are a million british accents and i'm 100% certain you mean cockney, and even then you probably mean the even more awful cockney that you get in american tv shows (which tends to sound australian)

I love when people refer to British accents, 9 times out of 10 they are talking about English accents. Some people need to learn that the United Kingdom isnt all england. There's other countries there too!

I hate being asked if I'm english. (No offence to the English here)
Sounds like a Boston accent to me, where hard = hahd, park = pahk, car = cah, retarded = retahded, mark = mahk, etc. I fucking HATE the Boston accent.

Yeah, that's it. Everyone does it Maine. It bothers me, and it bothers me more, that I'm starting to get it.
That quiz says I have a southern accent. I figured I would get something like that even though I'm from Michigan, because when my family and a friend of mine went on a cruise last summer all the kids we hung out with agreed that my friend and I had redneck accents, me moreso than my friend. I'm fine with it, I got a bit of the redneck in me.
I was down at Mardi Gras in New Orleans and some chicks claimed that I had a Chicago accent. I don't really see it but I'll agree to anything if theres chicks involved.