do you think he regrets it

My thoughts exactly. I'm so sick of this whole selling out bs. Being a musician in a band is a job just like any other job out there. So why shouldn't they get a reward for their work just like a random guy gets his paycheck at the end of the month? They have to pay their bills just like anyone else. And touring around the world isn't exactly the cheapest thing to do.

What the f*ck does "selling out" even mean? They changed their musical style a bit on AYDY and that's about it. They could play tango on the next record if they wanted to. Some fans seem to think that there's some sort of magical contract made between the fans and the band, which says that CoB has to make, say Hatebreederesque music as long as the band exists - no exceptions allowed. Well here's the news, there is no such contract. It's their music and they can do whatever they want with it. If you don't like it, fine. Find another band to listen, but don't whine about "selling out". CoB has not made promises to stay the same forever, and they don't (musically) "owe" you or any of their fans anything. The fans don't get to dictate the rules, which the band has to follow.

Absolutely agree with you.. nothing to add
My thoughts exactly. I'm so sick of this whole selling out bs. Being a musician in a band is a job just like any other job out there. So why shouldn't they get a reward for their work just like a random guy gets his paycheck at the end of the month? They have to pay their bills just like anyone else. And touring around the world isn't exactly the cheapest thing to do.

What the f*ck does "selling out" even mean? They changed their musical style a bit on AYDY and that's about it. They could play tango on the next record if they wanted to. Some fans seem to think that there's some sort of magical contract made between the fans and the band, which says that CoB has to make, say Hatebreederesque music as long as the band exists - no exceptions allowed. Well here's the news, there is no such contract. It's their music and they can do whatever they want with it. If you don't like it, fine. Find another band to listen, but don't whine about "selling out". CoB has not made promises to stay the same forever, and they don't (musically) "owe" you or any of their fans anything. The fans don't get to dictate the rules, which the band has to follow.

completely agree, definitely. People seem to think a band can really get somewhere by making the same record over and over again. A band has to progress musically, lyrically or some other way/shape/form to keep moving forward and become the best that they can be. You never stop learning, and how is one supposed to learn by remaining stagnant? Just doesnt happen.. AYDY is my favourite album of theirs.. I really think theyve found their sound with this one.. musically everything just "clicks". Thats just my opinion... but as far as people saying they've "sold out" well whatever, those are USUALLY the kind of people who are insatiable and never truly content..
He's never directly sung about the reaper but if you mean death and stuff, he'll alwayz be singing about that. Since he makes his lyrics when he's pissed, some of the lyrics must come naturally and those kinds of lyrics probably comes from all the aggression built up inside of him. Even though the lyrics mean nothing to him and it's only something to sing, he's a pretty good lyricist. They aren't silly at all. They have a deep and important least to me anyway and some of them are really beautiful.

Lyrics can't make a band sellout esp since some of them don't even read them. I agree with Misty... Bodom have definetly not sell out. They've just gotten a lot more popular. It was a natural progression. How can AYDY sellout when their sound already changed on HCDR? A band isn't alwayz going to sound the same. If they did, they'd sound repetitive, everyone would get bored of it and another band is going to copy them and turn it into something better. A band needs to experiment with their music and push themselves to the limit and that's what Blodom is doing.
Ill never understand why "sell outs" are such a big deal to people. Im not directing any names but even people i know in real life are always bitching about "selling out". For some reason if their fav band "sells out" they get pissed at the band. Selling out is a good thing. It means people are begining to like ur music more and it lets you know that ur improving.Ur also making a shit load of money and babes:lol: "selling out" is not a bad thing!
Deathmetal Danny: I think what you mean is that people mistake bands that are getting more popular for sellouts. Everytime a band changes a little bit or gets more mainstream, they suddenly become "sell outs" and people have been saying this abut Bodom since Follow The Reaper. I think a band will only sell out when they extremely change and just become over-rated. IDK, that's just what i think.