Do you think In Flames will ever become as good as they used to be?

Its been a long time since ive been listening to In Flames now, but I still think they are getting too much shit these days. I dont think any of their albums are bad, but the later once got boring after a few plays. I dont think they will go back at all, they will go on evolve...but I wish they could make another Clayman!
I still love in flames and still think they are a great band but no way can you even compare their new to old stuff. THe new SOilwork was the best they have done since NBC. THat was random. I have hope after watching to the new studio clips that it will be similar to COme clarity with more focus and less STYE and R2R. Ill take COme CLarity OVer the last two anyday.
the only problem i see with inflames nowadays after cc is anders whack ass vocals who told him he had a good clean singing voice his high pitched screams are coo though not like the old stuff but that clean singing is brutal on my ears... yet somehow catchy... btw arch enemy still pimp as usual

the absence and light this city are holdin it down for the states
well am ok with their sound ive been of fan of them since Colony it would be amazingly cool if they go back to their old sound like Jester Race and Colony where they had awesome solos and stuff.. there music is still good though
Anders Fridén:

Vi gillar popformatet med vers och refräng. Folk ska kunna stampa takten och sjunga med.

We like the popformat with verse and chorus. People should stomp along with the beat and sing along (sort of) :P

Whats wrong with the grooooowl? ah i love them anyways:*
The ultimate In Flames album would be one that combines elements from Clayman and STYE/ basically stronger singing vocals, but also a low/mid growl, and the kick ass drums and guitar off Clayman