Do you think it matters more...

More Murder

May 31, 2006
if you buy the album or just have the music? I always thought metal was mostly about the music, so as long as you had it didn't matter how you got it. Do you think you have to purchase the album, or will the mp3s do just fine?

I might buy an album when I have the money and really want it, but other than that most albums probably aren't worth purchasing unless you are really sure about it.
I've tried many times to convince myself that downloading is better/cheaper/easier (which it is), but I have an addicition. I just love CD's :erk:
ender7227 said:
Download them to hear them, buy them to love them.

nothin wrong with dl tunes to see if you dig, but if you do like an album then you should buy it, if for nothing else, to support the artist who made the music
about a dollar an album I think, depending on the contract.
I always buy CDs, but if i still had a downloading program i would only download songs to see what a band is like. So instead i just download samples (or whole songs) from the Band's website.
And buying CDs is not illegal :)
Intolerance said:
yes, but how much of that money do they really see?

That's not important. If the label spends $8 per copy of the CD and sells them for $10, that's a pretty tiny profit margin. The label is the one who who made the investment of releasing the album (and promoting it, possibly paying for the recording, and in some cases, touring). If they can take the financial pressure off the band, than they deserve the tiny profits.
Décadent said:
That's not important. If the label spends $8 per copy of the CD and sells them for $10, that's a pretty tiny profit margin. The label is the one who who made the investment of releasing the album (and promoting it, possibly paying for the recording, and in some cases, touring). If they can take the financial pressure off the band, than they deserve the tiny profits.

-Demonium- said:
I always buy CDs, but if i still had a downloading program i would only download songs to see what a band is like. So instead i just download samples (or whole songs) from the Band's website.
And buying CDs is not illegal :)
