Do your parents like SymX? (to all the teens)

sands of the seas

Of Another World
Jul 18, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Do your parents enjoy SymX too? I was recently talking about music with my mum and told her about SymX and she said i should put V (she didn't actually say V :lol: ) in the cd player (in the car), so i did and she was impressed. She liked the operatic theme it had i think.
It's not often i find a band my parents would enjoy i thought it was pretty cool. Anybody else in the same boat?
ummm my parents listen to stuff on the radio, they are muscilly challenged..My mother does like DT, but she wont go and put it on :lol: she said O i like this song (surrounded) who is it? I say, Dream theater, and thats the end of that. My father is oblivious to anything I do unless it involves him giving me money for sumthin heheh
My parents like my music. They've seen Dream Theater 3 times (soon to be 4), they've also seen Spock's Beard and Transatlantic. My dad likes Dream Theater most (especially SFAM) and insists on buying anything DT related (CD's, DVD, videos). My mum prefers Pain of Salvation and Symphony X. In fact the other day I had V on while I was eating my lunch and she said "I've forgotten how good this CD is." and made me put it on in the car when we went out that afternoon.
Originally posted by metropolis2k X
My mum prefers Pain of Salvation and Symphony X. In fact the other day I had V on while I was eating my lunch and she said "I've forgotten how good this CD is." and made me put it on in the car when we went out that afternoon.
Haaa!! COOOL! ;) Your parents really ROCK! :headbang:
my mum and sister Are really not interested in this kind of sister listens to Comercial stuff :yuk: and well my mum is more aceptable she only listens to OPERA and Classical music :D
I'm not a teen, but my bro is really into Symph X, alot more than I am, and I know my mom likes Russels voice...dunno about the walking wallet (my dad) though...
I think im not a "teen" anymore (btw, this teen thing until which age does it apply??? :p ), anyways, my dad is absolutely far from liking even melodic metal... he just happens to like country music, and guess what??? He says metal is TOO REPETITIVE :eek:
Did you ever listen to COUNTRY?!?!?! Bahhhh... :rolleyes:
My mum is a step ahead him... when i was 11 years old and i used to listen to Guns 'n Roses she liked the ballads (but she kept saying Axl had the voice of Donald Duck :D )
Since when i am into metal, she likes some songs from different groups, but still only the ballads or very melodic ones... she can survive no more than a hour with SymphonyX in the car but she likes Avalanch (a spanish metal band), and even remembers Carry On by Angra (because i spinned it a lot when i first had the Angel's Cry CD).. for those of you whose parents like SyX:
U ARE BLESSED!!!! hehehe :D

Originally posted by Knight_
I think im not a "teen" anymore (btw, this teen thing until which age does it apply??? :p )

You're right, bad choice of words there. I just couldn't think of anything else to call the younger people here. I suppose it could apply to anybody though. Maybe i'll remove those teen words :p
Originally posted by NegrocK_SyX

:yuk: :yuk: :yuk: I really hate Country :puke:
hehe :lol:

Dude... country rocks ! But only when it's instrumental. Especially when it's with banjo's :) I really like it, always gives me a happy feeling.

My parents don't listen to music. They don't have a life you see :zombie:
Originally posted by sands of the seas

You're right, bad choice of words there. I just couldn't think of anything else to call the younger people here. I suppose it could apply to anybody though. Maybe i'll remove those teen words :p

Yes...I'm 20, so technically not a teen...:p
Originally posted by Gulder
Dude... country rocks ! But only when it's instrumental. Especially when it's with banjo's :) I really like it, always gives me a happy feeling.
Yeah.. man ;)) hehe I meant.. those 100% country with vocals and stuff.. I dont like... Have u ever heard Bella Fleck?? they mix alot of Music Styles Country, Jazz, Funk, Folk.. very interesting stuff :D and their bassist (Victor Wooten) is really Amazing ;)
my mom hates metal in all forms even though i've been listening metal for about 10 years now :p but she tends to like the ballads my dad i don't even know if he likes syx or not :D
Originally posted by sands of the seas

You're right, bad choice of words there. I just couldn't think of anything else to call the younger people here. I suppose it could apply to anybody though. Maybe i'll remove those teen words :p

Hehe no prob for me, i just always thought that the word "teen" recalls the fact your age still starts with "1" (and of course is made by 2 digits... i dont wanna anyone come here saying he's a teen and he's 120 years old :D )
Anyways, that's ok for me... i dont even believe im gonna be 21 in less than one month hehehe!!!!!! ;) i feel like i stopped in the eighteen... anyways... that won't be forever i think :cry: eeehhh

My dad is a HUGE led zepplin fan, and he got me into rock, especially Vanilla Fudge, Zep, Genesis, Deep Purple and CSNY. I in turn got him into yes, Transatlantic, and Spock's Beard. He also likes some DT, and recently has requested that I make him a mix CD that includes Communion/The oracle...

My mom doesn't like anything that remotely resembles Metal. Although, she's warming up to Neil Morse's solo stuff, so that's a step in the right direction.... :)

oh, and I'm new to this board, but not to the Mike Portnoy one. Some names I recognize - Bear being the one that jumps out. I also haunt the Seismic radio chatroom, Greetings! :D
I dont think my mom really pays attention to symphony X, but my music in general, she usually doesnt really pay attention to it and she'll say it's good unless theres screaming/growling, then she'll say "the music is good but screaming takes to talent, he sounds like a monster" and my dad notices if i'm playing pink floyd or led zeppelin because my parents probably think i cant appreciate old music.