Does anyone else here have depression?

Life Sucks

and then you die
Dec 30, 2002
Die bitch die!!!!!
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I figured there must be others, especially since this is after all a metal board. It really sucks feeling miserable all the time. What do you do to try to fight it? What do you like to listen to when feeling particularly down to make you feel a little better?
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i smoke lots of speed and try to stay to busy to think about it. anybody asks i usually tell um im doing great no matter how crappy i feel cuz the more i talk about it the more depressed i feel...

what do i listen to, if my icon and location and signature dont give you a clue try
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Life Sucks said:
I figured there must be others, especially since this is after all a metal board. It really sucks feeling miserable all the time. What do you do to try to fight it? What do you like to listen to when feeling particularly down to make you feel a little better?
i fought my depression more or less succesfully by putting cynic and sarcastic views upon the whole thing, which means, taking things which you cannot change anyway (which have been the main source of my depression) less seriousley and joke about them...
I was depressive to an extent where I would go to bed and wish Id never wake up again, and the next morning the first thing I felt was disappointment, seeing that I was still alive, and had been too weak to put an end to my miserable situation. The only wish I made for this year was that the next time Id feel this shitty again, and I was feeling shitty enough at that time, I had the strength to kill myself.
Since then, a lot of things changed and I have, step by step, climbed the way up to where I was before. One thing I realized was that it pretty much completely comes down to how you perceive things. Of course, there might be things that piss you off and they arent just gonna disappear when you start thinking about it in a different way, but it makes a great difference still.

I still have to deal with fears and things that I have no other name than "scars on my mind" for, but since the day I realized that it really matters how you perceive things, and when I decided that I was gonna be stronger and wont allow things to bring me down anymore, Ive been really good.

I dont know if there's much to say really, because I remember how I dealt with it the same way you do, try and be sarcastic, try and ignore it, try and look at life as a big fucking joke, level your expectations to almost 0 so that you cant get hurt and all that stuff.. it's gonna protect you against being hurt, but it brings you further down as well..

In retrospect, I can say that my depression was a war that I brought onto myself, and that I had to fight myself as well.. alone. I only hope that you make it through and come to a point where you can see the other side again, because it's there.. you have to open your eyes for it though.

Hmm.. I hope this helped :)
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Wolfenmond said:
i fought my depression more or less succesfully by putting cynic and sarcastic views upon the whole thing, which means, taking things which you cannot change anyway (which have been the main source of my depression) less seriousley and joke about them...
That's was my main weapon when I was in a real heavy state of depression several years ago. I didn't ignore the things that were buggin' me, though. I tried to take my problems easily. Your best bet is to question yourself why is that you're in depression and what you can do about it, ignoring the problem completely is not a good thing to do IMHO.
I am feeling a little melancholic these days, since problems are just building up, plus this was around the time when I was asked out by the biggest idiot of the school, so yeah, life isn't at its greatest.

How do I fight it? I do things I enjoy, I draw and I just contemplate life. I also eat, and I am lucky because I don't gain weight easily (I gained 6 pounds over the summer, lost it in 2 weeks). But most of the time, I just kick myself and force myself to smile and get on with life. That usually just pushes the problem away and fade.

Not the most graceful way of doing it, but it certainly works.
most common precribed for depression is zoloft and like paxil and a bunch of the others they only have theories on why they work-they dont really know HOW they work! it's something a person has to decide for themselves but i dont believe haveing md's (instead of psychiatrists) so readily prescribe drugs that they dont even know what they are doing to your brain, is a good thing.
I've tried meds before and they didn't have much of an effect at all. The biggest effect was that Paxil (the one I tried most recently) helped my insomnia quite a bit. Right now I rely on temporary solutions that help for a few hours at a time. For example, I love lifting weights (go ahead flame away), and I find that it really helps my mental state while I am doing it and for a few hours afterwards - plus being muscular and lean makes me feel better about myself. When I am very depressed, I listen to gloomy music such as Sentenced, Opeth, or Dark Tranquility, which helps me feel better for some reason. I am also in grad school at the moment, and all the work lets me focus my mind an something else, so I don't fall into those bouts of solopsistic self pity while I am focused. Still, none of these things help longterm, and I feel still feel like absolute shit every morning and at night when I go to bed.
I have been depressed for some time now. Things aren't so good, I have problems such as I can't find a job. I've been unemployed nearly 6 months now... :erk: Maybe I should make an appointment to a shrink or something but I'm not so sure about the medication or therapy.
Listening to Sentenced or Dark Wave, like I did might be one of the few things that help, but it doesn't help on the long run. In fact, it's one of the things that keep you inside the circle in which you're running, and feeding yourself this kind of music will only help you justifying the hurt inside, but will not help you to make your life better.

I know that what I write here might not have a big effect, because as long as you're depressive, you devide people into two groups.. people who have a clue, and people who dont. Im not really depressive anymore, so most likely, the people Im trying to help are gonna put me in the "no clue" group, only because Im not depressive anymore and talk about a world which is different from theirs... I always thought that the world I saw was the real world, and that the rest of the people were merely blind and unable to see the truth.. they denied the very truth about life.. I dont know who is right and who is not.. but I know that I feel a lot better now and really enjoy living and exploring my life again, because I now know that I was missing out on a lot of things.. and I nearly wrecked my dearest friendship.. Im pretty sure that if I had, Id be dead now.

Again... I hope this helped :)

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I had depression and was off work for about 4 months and on Prozac and Effexor. To be honest though, I think a lot of it is just feeling sorry for yourself. You have to tell yourself to stop being a whiner, your life isn't as bad as it seems.
Don't listen to anything dark like Marilyn Manson - listen to Van Halen's "Diver Down" album.

And smile! :)