Does anyone else here have depression?

I was sick for over 3 weeks and got quite depressed as a result of it. I couldn't sleep well and felt quite awful most of the time. Hope I'll get better soon. *crosses fingers and toes*


Ante, I am deeply sorry for your loss. Take care my friend.
- susanne
...yeh i only just started going to a government funded mental health clinic.. altho my mum's found out to there goes the point of their privacy policy.
she said at least im going to get help
theres so much she doesnt know...
...its not that simple
Profånity said:
In the same way depressed people waste doctors time?

i know this is from ages ago but i just read it and nearly fell off my fucking chair.. and i had to reply.... so if this user is still around, this is for u...
first of all.. u fucking moron. dont spend ur time in a thread where people with depression come and pour out their feelings to other people who understand if u dont give a shit.. becoz no one wants u here, and we do realli wish ud dig urself a giant hole and die in it. second of all.. wasting doctors time? have u noticed there are specified doctors trained to deal with people with depression? and that they have spent their time getting a degree to treat people with depression? watsing doctors time my ass. thats what those doctors are there for u ignorant ass. stop being a smart ass and stop pretending that u have a clue... becoz u dont have the slightest one.
I'm really not sure at all how to define depression. The last 2-3 months and every now and then I feel really really down. That's because I have too many thoughts that I try to solve out but when solving one, the other arises and it goes on like that. Though many people have a nice time going out and having fun without thinking about many things, I hardly find anything similar interesting to do. My life is if not totally boring, at some big extend boring. Well, it is boring if you exclude my thoughts which actually torture me. Would you consider me as depressed?
Fourka, what you describe is a light depression Id say. The thoughts you mention are called "Thought circles" in german and treating them is part of almost every depression therapy.
Let me know if there's anything you want to talk about or anything I may help you with :)
Thank you Seraphim! It would be really nice to share my thoughts with somebody else...yet from another view I think that many people would think that I am kind of stupid because of my worries...
That's one of the many thoughts that arises every now and then...
I've been feeling depressed today because the board wasn't working earlier and when it did work it ran slowly. I need to talk about those problems with you all, sometimes I feel suicidal when the board isn't working :lol:

Now yopu knbow how stupid depression is.
Just so you know, I reported post #194 and hope you get banned as soon as possible.
I really tried to understand and see things your way, but enough is enough, you just dont belong here.
It's making me kinda sad, because I think that if you had tried, we could have gotten along well enough, but as you dont even try, I hope I'll never have to see any of your posts again
Profånity said:
I wander how much Depressives cost the NHS.
YOU FUCKER! Arent you the one with brain damage? Arent you the one who receives money from a nation health found?
I never went to a doctor because of my depression, so I didnt waste ONE SECOND of any doctor's time or cost my health asurance ONE CENT.

You're just so retarded it's unbelievable
Wolfenmond said:
i fought my depression more or less succesfully by putting cynic and sarcastic views upon the whole thing, which means, taking things which you cannot change anyway (which have been the main source of my depression) less seriousley and joke about them...
Exactly what i do
So now the posts are gone.. the fewer who read them, the better.. I hope he's gone here for good now :zzz:

Anyway.. I just added my ICQ # and MSN handle to my profile, add me if you want :)