Does anyone else here have depression?

Black Dragon said:
Hey fucknut, if you knew anything you would know that clinical depression is a medical disorder and a drug that fixes that problem IS the answer.
Like if you get cancer your body is meant to have cancer and you are meant to die, treatment is going against what's natural and meant to happen.

Depression and many other things work in the same way and using drugs as treatment is oing against what's meant to happen.
Northern Viking said:
I know that what I write here might not have a big effect, because as long as you're depressive, you devide people into two groups.. people who have a clue, and people who dont. Im not really depressive anymore, so most likely, the people Im trying to help are gonna put me in the "no clue" group, only because Im not depressive anymore and talk about a world which is different from theirs... I always thought that the world I saw was the real world, and that the rest of the people were merely blind and unable to see the truth.. they denied the very truth about life.. I dont know who is right and who is not.. but I know that I feel a lot better now and really enjoy living and exploring my life again, because I now know that I was missing out on a lot of things.. and I nearly wrecked my dearest friendship.. Im pretty sure that if I had, Id be dead now.
well, indeed, i divide people into two different groups. "intelligent" and "not intelligent"... having a clue about specific topics or not doesn't have necessarily something to do with intelligence. I don't know... but somehow intelligence seems to play some mayor role concerning my depression... i'm always some sort of unhappy with myself because i set the demands on myself so damn high, that i'll never be able to satisfy them. so, in consequence, i start reproaching myself, being certain, that i'm some sort of dumb and that i should have made it better... i somehow can't accept that i'm just as human as others, which means, making some mistakes from time to time, being not perfect at all. in order to make this an end, i started to smoke pot regularly some short time ago... i usually get beamed in my own small world when i'm high. But pot seems to have some sort of heavy aftermath to me... for at least 2-3 days i tend to be some kind of lame, which means being even more unable to satisfy my demands, so i use to escape again in this little world of mine...

damn, i just can't help it... it's the downward spiral...
Profånity said:
We don't need Depressed people wasting NHS money and time, if they want to kill themselves then just let them.
You're one of the most retarded persons Ive ever seen... you dont know shit about this, so why dont you just shut your fucking mouth and stop wasting everyone's time and pissing everyone off with your stupid comments?

Im tired now.. I had some things on my mind that I cant remember anymore now, I'll write more later maybe..
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Profånity said:
Like if you get cancer your body is meant to have cancer and you are meant to die, treatment is going against what's natural and meant to happen.

Depression and many other things work in the same way and using drugs as treatment is oing against what's meant to happen.

You are an idiot. You really are. Try having clinical depression and 'just living' with it. Go fuck off and die.
actually funny thing you said that. I was reading in Discover Magazine and research actually suggests that mild inbreeding can lead to beneficial traits being expressed. But when siblings do it excessively...
Yes, I have depressions and there are days I think my life is really terrible and I can't stand it any longer without a change or something like this.. But I suspect I just THINK it's so terrible that it becomes real, I start to see in everything something terrible and so on .. (I think that's the problem .. but it's not so easy to change your thoughts that you see things more optimistic, it's a lot of work..) ..

To Profanity: I'm not sure if I should take your words serious, cause I'm not confident if you say it because it's your real opinion of just to annoy some people here .. :Smug:
but if you're serious about it, sorry and - although I can't comprehend it - I respect your opinion.
duckattack said:
During the absolute bottom periods, when I was thinking about suicide, it was like 'the world doesn't need me and I don't want to be here anyway'. When you get to that point, it's totally left up to yourself what's going to happen...
My bottom period lasted for about 4 months.. I was caught in the downwards spiral in a way that living had become so unbearable that I was begging for death so many times a day that I lost count way before noon.
The period where I thought that world didnt really need me and that I didnt want to be here anyway lasted for about 2 years..
I never tried to kill myself though.. but Im sure that if I had, Id have done it correctly and not needed a second try. Nowadays Im glad I didnt do it..

I feel a bit stupid as the only one in this thread who isnt depressive... or well, not really.. Im still struggling a bit with the aftereffects and stuff..
Should I keep posting my experiences, or am I annoying hell out of you for talking about this "happy" world Im living and shit?
MR BEAST, stop smoking pot for a month or two... habitual pot smoking can cause depression, and smoking it to escape it only prolongs it.

As for serious depression, if you're seriously depressed, seek some professional help. Medication may be a necessity, some people just aren't chemically balanced, and other people may benefit from other types of therapy.

Profanity, you are truly ignorant.
Aaah.. now I need to vent :(

I dont know if you can follow this... I met a girl, 6 years ago.. very intelligent, determined, good looking... and a strongly believing christian ;)
After a short while we became close friends, talked a lot, emailed and all.. she has been my best friend for over 5 years now and we talked about everything.. going from sex to politics, to school, to ethics and morals, to religion, to relationships and whatnot...
I always thought that she didnt want more than friendship, so I didnt keep any hopes for more and I really enjoyed our friendship.. she has given me a lot.. and she says I gave her a lot as well.. apart from persons like my father and my brothers, who you cant really compare, she's the most important person of my life. Half a year ago she told me that she'd been in love with me for over 2 years.. That was when we graduated from school, and following the graduation, there was a 5 month holiday :)
We got really close.. and I think we both fell in love.. but it's tricky to get together with your best friend, you're afraid to destroy something, and we both dont have any experience with relationships and tend to be shy.. so we took some time.. too much time. When I told her that I was feeling more for her than only friendship, there was only one week left until she was gonna move to another city and start her studies at the University. We talked about our concepts of a relationship and I told her that I hoped we may get another chance like the one we had.. now she's 350km away and I think I miss her so much that my mind is blocking it pretty much completely... it's like Im trying to ignore every thought about her.
Im so afraid I could fall back into the void, walk the old ways again.. go where the pain is, and the hatred. It's a place where everything's so easy... there's you, the pain, and a hostile world, that turns every one of your days into a threat.

Maybe I only lack sleep... I dont know... I think I'll go to bed.. see you later, take care, you all!