Does anyone else here have depression?

Profanity, shut up and get out of this thread. If you've got nothing constructive to say then don't say anything. This thread was made for people who have had depression, not someone like you who says they've never ever experienced it and blatently doesn't understand it.
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Profånity, you are a defect of a human being, that's why you can't understand human emotions, therefore you don't know what you're talking about.
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Yes, I've got depression before. It was the shittiest experience ever and I dont want to go through that again. I was constantly worrying, I couldn't concentrate and this empty feeling. It isnt as bad as it was last year but I still think I have it. I've watched some Japanese health thing on TV about depression and this probably works.

1. Try to live a routine life (sleep, eating, working, free time etc).
2. Excercise regularly.
3. Try to socialize as if you dont have depression at all.
4. Find some different hobbies.
5. Find some goal to work toward in life.
6. Try to eat healthy.

It was something like this and this makes sense. Sometimes it gets better with out any medication by doing the above.
People who get depressed are weak as they are unable to tolerate the pressures daily life brings, weak people are of little use to the world so why do we want to help these weak people?
Life Sucks said:
I figured there must be others, especially since this is after all a metal board. It really sucks feeling miserable all the time. What do you do to try to fight it? What do you like to listen to when feeling particularly down to make you feel a little better?
I have an on and off depression. Jumping from one state of mind to another constantly. I just try to do something all the time so I won't get bored and depressed. Get my mind off things. When "down" I listen to yoko kanno's stand alone complex soundtrack or joe hishaishi's music from spirited away, laputa or naushika. The ambience in them makes me just feel nothing and think nothing. I just am. It usually doesn't make me feel better but anyway.... hard to explain.
Profånity said:
People who get depressed are weak as they are unable to tolerate the pressures daily life brings, weak people are of little use to the world so why do we want to help these weak people?

Having depressed people in this world is infinitely preferable than having morons like you in it.
Profånity said:
People who get depressed are weak as they are unable to tolerate the pressures daily life brings, weak people are of little use to the world so why do we want to help these weak people?
You keep proving that you dont know shit about depression.. but Im not wasting the time to explain what I mean
i suffered from two serious bouts of depression in my teens. the thing about depression is that reduces you to a state where you merely be. you don't enjoy your life , you don't care about anything you dont give a fuck about anything you just be. you wake up and then you want to go back to sleep as if your asleep you can't think about how shit things are.

in fact im probably going back depression, due to the fact im in a new town well i dont know anybody and i seem to be surrounded by people are polite to me but would rather i didnt exist.

of course theres always more general reasons why i feel down . i have 3 lovely disabilities including that most loved disabilitys, aspergers syndrome.

that particular disability makes things bad, i find socializing with most people difficult, as i can't keep a conservation up that well and don't respond to all this social cue thing. the annoying thing is I have so mcuh to fucking offer. the problem is that in my old town i knew where the cynical , tortured, witty, cool people hung out, here im surrounded by ordinary boring people who all seem to want to be 50 cent/J Lo and view me with suspicion (thanks to the fucking disability department for telling them i was autistic, they may as well have just branded the word different into my fucking forehead).

and there endeth the rant. the thing is you have focus on the postive. i go out and about once a week, Im acutually good at work, and im finanically ok. ive also found that working out and addressing the problems you face helps. ive come long way but theirs still a way to go.

albums to listen to while depressed

Joy Division-Closer

The Cure-pornography

The Cure-Faith

anything by Katatonia

anything by the smiths/morrissey

to Profanity. look im not going to turn this into vendetta , but since you can't empthaise with people wouldnt it be better to at least predict what peoples reactions could be. if not for your sake , for your fellow aspergers syndrome sufferers sake . people might think we are all uncaring people like you. ive already been tarred enugh brushes already
You people REALLY DO have trouble ignoring Profanity, don't you? :err:

Lady Vampy said:
OK so you're the same age as me and weigh more than me but I'm taller than you... so fucking what? You're still a little boy, a small-minded, weak little boy.
OMG... Miss Vampy..... precisely how tall are you? :eek:

*Begins drooling in anticipation*
*glances at Spike briefly*

Depression is not great, as it is rather contagious. If you care about others, be happy!!

I'm 168cm, balancing at 100 pounds. :p I reckon if I go into depression, I could become dangerously underweight.