Does anyone else here have depression?

Yeah I know.. but the 350Km are kind of an obstacle you know ;)
She's gonna turn 20 in 1,5 weeks, I'll see her then... :)

It feels so weird after such a long time to actually have something that you not can look forward to... but that you are looking forward to as well :)
Profånity said:
Try emigrating.
Try to lose some weight you fat British tub of lard.


"Get in mah belly!"
I've had depression on and off for about six years but I wasn't diagnosed until I was 17. I was put on Seroxat and it helped me loads, especially as I was just about to do my A levels. I'm not on it anymore but if things ever go back to how they were I'll ask the doctor to put me on them again. Thankfully, since I met my boyfriend seven months ago I've been happier than ever.

However, my depression started my psoriasis off, which I was hospitalised with when I was 15. It's a kind of vicious circle though because the psoriasis is both caused by depression and causes it to worsen. I still have these depression attacks now and again but recently they've not been as bad.

Profanity:- I can't get over how unbelievably numb you are. It's no wonder you can't get a lass, you're socially inept.
Profånity said:
Doesn't everyone from time to time? We can't have a good day everyday.
Yeah and lots and lots of people get so down that they cry so much that their eyes sting and bleed every couple of weeks.

Don't comment on what you don't have any clue about.
I have had a severe brain injury and didn't get depressed even though I was in hospital for 8 months and couldn't walk or eat.

I don't get depressed even though everywhere I walk people either think i'm drunk or disabled.

I can't socialise or get a girlfriend but I don't get depressed.

So don't tell me I don't know about depression.

People who get depressed are just selfish people who want everything and if they don't get it they'll get depressed.
You don't know about depression, you've never been depressed.

As for people with depression being selfish, ask anyone and they'll tell you that I'm the least selfish person they know... but that's a matter of personality and has nothing to do with depression. As for the matter of wanting everything, I sure as hell never did. All I wanted was to be happy, not really asking a lot is it?
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Profånity said:
I have had a severe brain injury and didn't get depressed even though I was in hospital for 8 months and couldn't walk or eat.

I don't get depressed even though everywhere I walk people either think i'm drunk or disabled.

I can't socialise or get a girlfriend but I don't get depressed.

So don't tell me I don't know about depression.

People who get depressed are just selfish people who want everything and if they don't get it they'll get depressed.
I've been feeling depressed lately... only mildly but it's there. I was seriously depressed about three years ago, so I know the feeling. When I was seriously depressed the fact is I didn't deal with it. I didn't know how to. Thinking about it, I don't know if I would even know what to do if it got that bad now. You live and you learn. Everyone has their own way of dealing with it. I think the most important thing is to take any opportunity you can to turn things around. If things are looking up then run with it. In my case I moved 1000kms away from my parents and everything suddenly got better ;).

As far as Profanity is concerned, for someone who can apparently deal with anything he sure bitches alot.
I have been depressed cos of a messed-up girlfriend and the things she did, so I probably qualify. Sometimes it helped me to listen to something extremely brutal like Brodequin real loud. And I tried to meet friends, had a tiny friendly affair with some girl... such things helped me too - they kept my mind busy and I didn't have much room for self-pity.
depression can be a bitch but i try not to let it get to me, been suffering from manic depression and some forms of anxiety for years. i didn't really even know what it was till about a year ago that i was diagnosed and put on medication. the meds helped for a while but i didn't want to be taking them for years, so i just try to control it myself. just tell yourself that it's up to you whether or not you want to let depression bother you, it is an illness but you decide whether or not you let it cripple you.

sometimes it is so strong that you will feel bad no matter what, but the best you can do is to not let it get to the point where you can't function in everyday life.

best of luck
rites of passage said:
i didn't want to be taking them for years, so i just try to control it myself. just tell yourself that it's up to you whether or not you want to let depression bother you, it is an illness but you decide whether or not you let it cripple you.

sometimes it is so strong that you will feel bad no matter what, but the best you can do is to not let it get to the point where you can't function in everyday life.

best of luck
I only know about how my own depression felt and worked, so maybe I should stop talking about depression in general.I think what you say is true, once you get to know your depression.. I thought about seeking help sometimes and that maybe the doc would give me pills.. and I always thought I didnt want that, because that'd be sort of a weak way out.. I felt that taking pills would be like cheating on myself.

I dont know if knowing that depression is an illness like many others would have helped me earlier, or whether I could have ignored it and focus on the bright side of things just like that.. I can only say that now I can, and that it helps me a lot.

Best of luck from my part as well
rites of passage said:
depression can be a bitch but i try not to let it get to me, been suffering from manic depression and some forms of anxiety for years. i didn't really even know what it was till about a year ago that i was diagnosed and put on medication. the meds helped for a while but i didn't want to be taking them for years, so i just try to control it myself. just tell yourself that it's up to you whether or not you want to let depression bother you, it is an illness but you decide whether or not you let it cripple you.

sometimes it is so strong that you will feel bad no matter what, but the best you can do is to not let it get to the point where you can't function in everyday life.
That's exactly how it is / was with me too.
Life Sucks said:
I figured there must be others, especially since this is after all a metal board. It really sucks feeling miserable all the time. What do you do to try to fight it? What do you like to listen to when feeling particularly down to make you feel a little better?
Hey I've been fighting depression ever since my fourth grade year in school and now I am in 11th grade. I was once suicidal, but have been recently getting better. My advice for you is if you play guitar or drums or whatever, start playing whenever you're depressed. Or listen to some uplifting music maybe. Whatever you do don't sit there or watch t.v. That's what makes you more depressed in my point of view. Don't let ignorant people try to cut you down, because you having the right to believe you are better then those people are. If you smoke weed, that may not be a very good idea or it might be a good idea for fighting depression. There's mixed results in that. For me, smoking weed while I'm depressed makes me feel even worse, but it doesn't make me feel like commiting suicide. It makes me more isolated and it makes me think that noone can help me because there's noone that's the same as me. Well hope my advice helped. Hope you feel better. Don't ever feel weak because you are depressed by the way.